Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Been a busy couple of weeks!

Two weeks ago I went to a few random garage sales. The only one that I actually bought from was on it's 3rd day so the stuff was pretty picked over.  Nevertheless, I managed to find several things worth purchasing.

This awesome ornament candy jar.

This gorgeous Christmas vase, which I can't for the life of me understand why someone didn't buy!

This box of ornament-shaped candles

And this cute silver box.

All for $2

Last Saturday we went to the Michigan reception for my nephew and his wife, who were married on September 17th in Connecticut.

They look very happy! Lucky Sarah, not too many brides get to wear their gowns twice!!

It was great to spend time with our kids, too! Chris's and his sweet wife, Marissa. His hair is longer than mine!

Shauna and Brad! He keeps that smile on her face and that melts this mothers heart!

We had a great time dancing and drinking the night away. My feet were sore for a week afterwards!

Went to a Halloween party and had cute ideas for costumes. That's for another post!

Have a great week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Random Pictures and Stuff

The Survival Flight helicopter at work. It was sitting on a landing pad right by the bus stop! I sure am glad it wasn't getting ready to take off!

My dad and his girlfriend, Peggy in Connecticut for my nephews wedding. My nephews wife's parents live about a mile from the Atlantic ocean!

As you come around a curve in I-75 this is the first glimpse of the Mackinaw Bridge while you are still several miles away from it.

This is I-275, which is a freeway that was notorious for terrible head-on collisions. Seems like at least once a week you were hearing about one! Then they put this barrier up all along it last year and that pretty much stopped them. Now if they could only do something about idiot drivers who go 95 mpr and weave in and out of traffic!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Early Morning Blogging

Well, here it is at 5:30 am on Saturday and I have been awake now for about 2 hours. I haven't been sleeping for beans lately. I fall asleep fine, just can't seem to stay asleep! Sure wish I could find a way to sleep better without taking drugs!

Anyway,  I mentioned in my last post that I went to a sweet estate sale last Friday. It was held at a house on a main road, one that Rich and I have driven by many times...and we always noticed because it had two huge garages that faced each other. Plus it was professionally decorated at Christmas and always looked so pretty! We also noticed that whoever lived there was a car nut and there was old cars and neon car signs in the windows of the garage.

Anyway, I just happened to be driving by on Friday and noticed a Estate Sale sign...oh. and a ton of people parked on the side of the road too! So of course I stopped because..how could I not?

Anyway, this is what I picked up:

PYREX bowl for 50¢

Brand new red tablecloth

Cute necklace and earring set!This I am keeping to wear. 

Necklace to use for beads

More beads

Gorgeous faux diamond necklace. I'm not sure what I'm doing with this yet. 

Matching earrings

And this little purse

Total spent: $9!

Someone was a collector because there was a ton of decorative plates and a whole table full of Lenox bird figurines, which were really nice and only $25 each. I have enough stuff I've collected over the years though, so I passed.

LOVE when I come across these kind of sales. I walked around for a good half hour!

On Sunday, Rich and I hiked a trail at Maybury State Park. This was at the entrance

Maybury Sanatorium

There was a horse trail, too. 

We walked to and around this pretty little lake. I don't know how far we walked but it took us about a hour and a half, up and down hills. It was a great work out!

Time to go back to bed to see if I can get another hour or so of sleep, but I'm not getting my hopes up. It's probably going to be a tired day, today!

Oh and see the new header pic? I love the way the fall wreath looks against the red door!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...