Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Highways and Byways

This weeks challenge is Highways and Biways..anything that takes you somewhere.

By train.

By tunneling through a mountain.

By river.

Or just down a peaceful road.

Go HERE to see more pictures of Highways and Byways!


  1. And hopefully we slow down enough to enjoy the ride!!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Lovely pictures. I'm partial to your train track shot.

  3. Wonderful shots sweetie!! I WISH I could ride a train!! How peaceful!! Happy weekend to you!hughugs

  4. How wonderful~love them all!!

    That peaceful road~I would just love to there. ((hugs))

  5. Give me that country road any day of the week! Love it!!!!!!

  6. i would live to take a ride down the peaceful road..

  7. Very creative shots and perfect for the Highways and Biways challenge! I love the tunnel but I think I'd be holding my breath to travel through it.

  8. That's so cool to see! The tunnel pic is gorgeous..

  9. wonderful shots of highways, specially love the serene picture of the road!

    have a lovely weekend!


  10. Nice choices for the challenge! I enjoyed them!

  11. I would love to travel down that peaceful road without a care in the world or a time to be somewhere. Great pictures!!!

  12. I had to come back and take a walk down that peacful road. It's funny how a picture can just 'grab' you especially at 5 in the morning. :)

    Have a wonderful, peaceful day. ((hugs))

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