Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February Photo a Day #11

 One day on the ship they had a salute to veterans and first responders. 

This was the cupcake cake they had there. Of course, when it was over we got to eat a cupcake! 

In the background you can see the Ford Mustang they had on display. Lots of people were taking pictures by it!

See you tomorrow!

Monday, February 10, 2025

February Photo a Day #10

One night we took the boys to one of the shows. This particular one had a lot of drones flying around. 

They had some technical difficulties and it took forever to get to the drone part but when they did the boys were fascinated! Even if they look so serious! 

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

February Photo a Day #9

One of our stops was the island of St. Martin. It's interesting because it's two countries on one island. On the North side (St. Martin) it's French owned and on the south side (St. Maartin) it's Dutch owned. We took a shuttle from the north side to the south side to Maho Beach. It's a popular beach because it's right next to an airport and the planes are very low. 

This is a snapshot of a movie I took. That's how low they are, and they are loud, too! 

See you tomorrow! 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

February Photo a Day #8

One fun thing about cruises is the room steward will occasionally create a towel animal for you. 

This monkey was hanging over our bed. 

See you tomorrow! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

February Photo a Day #7

On one of our stops, St. Thomas, we were being entertained by all of the iguanas that were scampering over the rocks by the port. 

This big guy was kind enough to pose for a us!

See you tomorrow! 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

February Photo a Day #6

Every morning while on the ship I got up early, splashed water on my face, brushed my teeth and went to walk on Deck 5 where there was a walking track. I walked for 30-40 minutes. I wanted to eat whatever I wanted so that was my way of justifying it! 

After I walked, I would go to the Promenade Cafe where I had coffee and a croissant! 

This was the only morning that I was early enough to catch a sunrise off the back of the ship! 

Speaking of walking because of the size of the ship I got between 20 and 21 thousand steps every day! 

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February Photo A Day #5

 This is the floor of one of the elevators on the ship. 

Obviously it would be changed to reflect that day and also to remind you how fast your vacation was going by! 

See you tomorrow!

February Photo a Day #11

 One day on the ship they had a salute to veterans and first responders.  This was the cupcake cake they had there. Of course, when it was o...