Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Shelves Done

 I got the new shelves decorated and I'm pretty happy with them. 

I just took random things from around the house to put on there. The carousel horse I bought from Home Interiors, probably back sometime in the mid 80's. I just always liked it and I think that is a good spot for it. 

Also are the two Lego sets that I built; the succulents and a flower bouquet  Shauna gave me for my birthday. 

I also included are pictures of mine and Rich's parents when they were young and in love! 

I imagine that is what they all look like in heaven right now! Young, together and blissfully happy!

The cat and the lantern are kind of just there to fill up space for now. One day I may replace them with a couple books and some cute bookends, but we'll see! 

I am in no rush!

I leave you with my latest obsession.

These are so good! If you haven't tried them get yourself to a store and pick some up before they are gone! 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great idea with your parents’ pictures!

  2. The shelves look really nice. The Lego flowers are so cool!

  3. The shelves look lovely. Haven't tried the Old Bay Goldfish but I'm sure I'd like them. Will have to pick up some.

  4. I LOVE those shelves! They would look awesome in my living room. I like black, wood and metal. Very nice, Jeanette.

  5. great shelves and I love the carousel horse!

  6. Hurrah! I have been waiting to see the shelves! They are perfect, and everything is scaled so beautifully. I love the Lego flowers! And the succulents are adorable! Were they very hard for you to make? I am now thinking of getting the succulents. Phil loves Old Bay, I may pick these up.

  7. I've always thought that Lego flowers would make a great 'forever' bouquet.

  8. The shelves look great. I really like the design of them.

  9. The decorated shelves look great; I love that you have early pics of both sets of parents. Old Bay goldfish? WHAT? 😀

  10. Love the shelves! And Old Bay crackers? Wow!lol
    Happy week!

  11. I love the shelves, they are different than most that you see.

  12. The shelves look fantastic, Jeanette! Especially the pictures of the parents. Just wonderful. xoxo


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