Monday, May 13, 2024

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone! 

The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily. 

Levi left his hand print on the chair!

Imagine my surprise to see two Northville police officers walk in the door at work the other night. One of our residents in the Memory Care unit called 911 because her call light wasn't answered fast enough for her. 

She came to us from another facility and apparently she's done that several times before! 

This pretty decoration is hanging on the shed of one of our neighbors. 

It looks nice against the blue color of the shed. 

There is a duck nest with 12 eggs in it right in front of the building where I work. 

I worry about it because it's on a very busy street! I hope when they hatch, she takes them the other way and does not try to cross it! 

Shauna gave me this cup for my birthday a few years ago. It sat in my china cabinet but I decided to start using it. 

I'm always afraid it will break so I wash it very carefully and put it away in the cupboard when I'm done.
We found out recently that both of our cats loves to be vacuumed with the hand held!

I always figured they would be scared of the noise, but they love it! And it is so much easier than brushing them! 

We had a nice Mother's Day yesterday. I have Brad's parents over for brunch every year. Brad happens to be in Italy for work right now so he wasn't there but we still had an enjoyable time! 

That's it for me right now. I picked up some extra hours at work lately because one of the other concierges has been sick. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I love the window box decoration on the shed!!! That is amazing about your cats! Most seem to be scared of vacuums. But I am seeing it with my own eyes, so I believe it.

  2. That is so funny to see your cat being vacuumed. The decoration on your neighbor's shed is pretty against the blue and your cup is so cute, you really must use it.

  3. Glad you had a nice Mothers Day. You are sweet to have Brad's parents, even though he is gone.
    I laughed about the police. We used to have some people who did that too so it brought back memories! We also had people who liked to pull the fire alarm. :)

  4. Enjoyed seeing all the pictures. That mug is so pretty. What a treasure.
    Oh no on the residents calling 911.

  5. I guess it’s duck egg season! Too funny about the cat. My friend’s mother has pulled the fire alarm at her memory care facility.

  6. It's too funny that your cats like to be vacuumed. Susie gets brushed every morning so I doubt if she would succumb to being vacuumed!
    Oh yes, about the police showing up at the retirement home - that happened as well. Some of the old Veterans would get professional visits from the HWY Patrol. They're all nice but not all angels - that's for sure!
    Enjoyed your photo dump!

  7. I can't believe that lady called 911!!
    Sure hope the ducks will be okay.

  8. the kitties!
    And a sweet handprint!!
    Sorry about the resident...sometimes they do it just because they're sad.

  9. haha....about the cats. I am pretty sure mine will not allow me to do that. The handprint is funny. I have one my daughter took of where Braden had been sitting. I love the funny little things like that.

  10. I hope the ducks end up ok. We had a purple martin build a nest on our front porch one year and out of the three baby birds I think only one survived. We found two on the porch that apparently didn't fly well out of the nest.

  11. Love that you can vacuum the cats. I think that would be a hard no for Binx. ;)

  12. I WISH my dogs would let me vacuum them! I feel like the carpet and furniture are the "middle men".
    I used to work at a care facility. If someone called 9-1-1 whenever their call light wasn't answered right away, we'd have had the police there all the time. Happy belated Mother's Day!

  13. What a neat idea and all the pictures are so interesting. I love the beautiful cup, and the duck eggs. I'm afraid Smokey would have a fit if I came close to him with the vacuum. :)

  14. The little handprint is so sweet!
    I'm dying at your cats letting them be vacuumed; you're a genius!
    I'm not surprised at all about a person in memory care calling 911.

  15. Awwwww, the cat loves to be vacuumed! That is so funny! I'm pretty sure both Rizzo and Sweetness would freak out if I attempted such a thing, hahaha! I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day. xoxo


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