Friday, October 13, 2023

A Goodbye and a Final Estate Sale Post

Thursday was my last day at work. Today I stopped by to turn in my key. The owner and her husband were there packing up the rest of the stuff. It's sad to see the store completely empty. 

But this morning I woke up and decided I'm not going to be sad anymore. I've enjoyed my two years there and it's time to move on! 

I spoke to the owner of the boutique that is taking over that spot and she is going to call me to work for her when she needs extra help over the holiday season. That will be good because I've decided I'm not going to look for anything permanent until after the holidays. If at all. 

Anyway, my friend and I went to an estate sale today. They are getting few and far between but this was a nice one.

The house is for sale and they are asking $715,000. Crazy. 

But the kitchen was gorgeous!

I've always loved a corner sink with windows!

White cabinets and the counters were white and black on the island! And look at that ceiling! Beautiful! 

I really liked this unusual dish drainer. They were asking $10 for it.  Everything was 25% off but unfortunately, I don't have room for it by my sink. 

This clock was pretty for $20. 

This fireplace in the dining room was so pretty and had window seats on both sides. Although it's a tad hard to see, I love the shape of the hearth! 

Very pretty china. There was no price, so I don't know what they were asking for it. 

This is the only thing I bought. 

Just a light flannel shirt for $2. This is after I washed and hung it to dry of course. I like wearing flannel shirts in the wintertime. 

Well, that's it for me for now. Even though I no longer have a job to go to I have lots of projects to do here. I'll start by painting our other bathroom which is long overdue!

Thanks for stopping by and see you the next time! 


  1. Wow that ceiling is beautiful.
    I have a clock similar to that one - made in the 1880's and is worth more than $20. Mine doesn't work anymore. It belonged to my Grandparents. It's hard to find clock repair anymore than know how to work on antique clocks. I've been told to check out antique stores - they usually know someone who can work on the old clocks.

    The part time job at the boutique might lead to a more permanent job - who knows? I'm sure it will all work out.

  2. The prices were very reasonable! I might have bought the clock. And the kitchen!!! Do you ever wonder what happened to the owners and why they moved? I do! Now you will have more time to get ready for Christmas!

  3. Aww on the job....and nice estate sale, grin.

  4. Wow, 715,000 for that house. I can't imagine the mortgage payment. That kitchen is gorgeous though and I love the fireplace in the dining room. The prices on the items you showed were very reasonable also. I like the shirt you bought. Love the polka dots on the inside of the cuffs

  5. That's a beautiful house, and yes, I agree that the kitchen is great. But the price!!! How in the world does anyone buy a house these days? Sorry about the end of your job, but I believe there's a reason for everything that happens. Now you can look forward to another adventure... Linda

  6. Beautiful house! At $715K, out of my league :P.
    Sad the business had to close, but it's nice that you'll have a little income for the holidays at the boutique, then onto the new year.

  7. I once lived in a house that had a corner sink like that and really liked it!!
    The dish drainer does take up a lot of room.
    Love the black and blue shirt you bought!!

  8. Hopefully better things will come in the future with a job for you. I loved the beautiful estate sale you went to, the home was gorgeous! And oh my that clock, I would have loved to bring it home with me! Like you, I really don't have room either, lol! Blessings to you!

  9. I think taking off until after the holidays is a wonderful idea. I would do the same. That looks like a great house. I have that same kitchen sink and LOVE it. I also want to do our ceilings like that. It's gorgeous.

  10. Enjoy your time without a job.. it might be a refreshing change.

  11. It'll be nice to have more time during the holidays...unless the new boutique needs you here and there. Enjoy your free time. Or should I say: Project time?

  12. I love going to garage sales and estate sales. That home is beautiful- you got some nice pictures of it. This will be a nice time to be home if you have to as we are going into holiday season and cold weather. Good luck finding a new job when you are ready. Endings are sad but it's a new opportunity for you!

  13. That shirt is cute! And what a gorgeous traditional house. I would give that price for it, if I could, and if I wanted to live there! Really nice. Wow that clock!!! Only $20 sounds like a steal. xoxo

  14. That’s sad about the end of your job, but it’s nice that the new place might need you.

  15. The costs were cheap and fair. Great estate auction.

    Please read and comment on my new retirement article:

  16. I would have grabbed that clock! Beautiful!
    I like the shirt though!

  17. Enjoy working on those projects. Hope they are some fun ones. Take care.


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