Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Project Redo

Back in 1989 when I used to cross stitch a lot, my mom wanted me to make her something to put in the dining room for Thanksgiving. We went to the craft store and she picked out a cross stitch kit she liked. 

This is the finished project. My dad made a frame for it, and it hung on the wall in their dining room until we moved my dad out of his house in 2015. 

I brought it home with me and hung it up every Thanksgiving for a few years. When we moved into this house I really didn't have anywhere to hang it. To save space I took it out of the frame and put it in a drawer until I could figure out what to do with it. 

While going through box of pictures and frames to donate the other day I came across this moose wall hanging. 

I think I got it a long time ago to hang in one of our spare bedrooms at our old house. When I saw this I had an idea. 

I grabbed the cross stitch out of the drawer. 

And the dowel out of the moose hanging. 

And then using fusing tape I folded over and sealed the edges of the cross stitch inserting the dowl hanger into the top hem. This is the result! 

I hung it on my pantry door in the kitchen where I normally just hang little plaques from the dollar store. I'm very pleased with it and am so glad I found a way to display the project I made for my parents back all those years ago!

And the moose hanging did not go to waste.

I got a plant stake and tied a string to it and hung it in the guest room. 

In other news, we finally got the other bathroom painted. I show a before and after next post. 

See you next time and thanks for stopping by! 



  1. What a great idea. It looks lovely.

  2. I cross stitched a lot back then, too. I’m glad you were able to hang your Thanksgiving picture again. Good memories.

  3. That was a great idea! That cross stitch is a special one, glad you can enjoy it and the memories that go with it.

  4. Good work-two nice decorations for nothing out of pocket.

  5. What a great idea! Your cross-stitch is so pretty, and really does need to be displayed!

  6. Great idea and it looks fantastic. I tried cross stitch a long time ago and I did do some small pieces but I don't really have the patience for big projects. Could explain why cards are my craft of

  7. Aww! A quick save on the hangings!! Great idea!
    Have a sweet weekend!
    hugs Donna

  8. I used to love to do cross stich. That is great that you found a way to hang it so you can see it. I love it.

  9. Lovely idea and designs

    Feel free to take a look at my latest fashion post.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend

  10. How special that you made it for your mom and then it came back to you. Sounds like the dowel is the perfect solution for hanging and storing it although it's pretty enough to leave on the wall all year!

  11. Good idea and a way to keep a old treasure. I love doing this!

  12. Great idea.. it looks great. Looking forward to see your newly painted bathroom.

  13. Looking good, Jeanette. Happy Halloween!

  14. You clever clogs you! Reimagined and looking great, both pieces of art. Those things with sentimental value grab you more and more as the years go by, don't they? xoxo

  15. You are so clever. I love the cross stitch project; what a sweet history it has.


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