Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Bathroom #2

With all this free time on my hands I figured it was finally time to paint the bathroom off our master bedroom. We still had half a gallon of blue-green paint left from the small guest bathroom we painted earlier this year so, instead of spending money on another gallon of paint (have you seen the price of paint these days?) we just used it for this bathroom too. 

Here are some before pictures: 

Rich standing on the toilet to paint the edges of the ceiling. 

It wasn't as hard to paint this bathroom as we had a lot more room. But still, the only way to paint over the toilet and sink is to stand on them! 

It turned out nice though! 

It's amazing how much bluer this bathroom looks compared to the other bathroom! The natural light has something to do with it, I think! 

We thought about changing the light fixtures but decided not to right now. I think it's fine with the ones that are there. 

Next up is the bedroom. 

I think were going to go with this color called French Silver. It's grey with a little tint of blue which will go good with the bathroom color!

In other news, Halloween with the boys was fun. 

It was cold, though. Luckily the boys were tired from all the activities at school that day and didn't want to stay out for too long! 

That white stuff was coming down off and on all night, too! Ugh! I'm not ready for winter yet! 

That's it for now. Stay warm and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Your bathroom turned out beautifully. I love the color, and yes it was very wise to use the leftover paint instead of buying more.

  2. OH my GOSH, what a HUGE difference!!! It was so dreary before, and is now light and gorgeous!!! I want to know what brand and shade it is. Now I cannot wait to see your bedroom before and afters!

    1. Thank you Ginny It's Behr Ultra Paint and Primer and the color is Tahoe Blue.

    2. I love it. Painting our bedroom and bath is on my list too. Beautiful blue color.

  3. The bathroom looks great. I like that color. I also like the color you chose for your bedroom. I don't blame you for using the same paint that you used on your other bathroom. I had sticker shock when I went to buy paint to do my bathroom.

  4. I like the new color in your bathroom. Very Nice!!

  5. Snow came down over here too - Muskegon cancelled trick or treating because of ice and power lines coming down.
    I really like the new paint color. Isn't it funny how different those colors can look in different light. Now, no one will know you used the same paint!
    I really like that bedroom color too.

  6. Wow it came out so great! Beautiful! Y'all did a fantastic job. Paint color can be such a transformation! Can't wait to see your bedroom all done. The boys look sooooo cute! I hope they had a good time. xoxo

  7. That is almost the color of one of our bathrooms. I love it. Please don't tell me the price of paint is outrageous, painting all of the inside of the house is on my list for next year. Love the trick or treaters. So cute!!

  8. A really wonderful paint job.. So lucky you can do it yourselves. Yes, I've the prices of everything lately - very expensive. There is something magical about the first snow. Then it's not!! haha

  9. LOVE the color!! Blue is so peaceful anyway...
    Cute little spooks! lol

  10. Bathroom looks great, I love that color. Cute trick-or-treaters!

  11. I love the blue green and I agree, the French Silver will be a lovely counter-color to the bathroom.
    The boys look so cute. Snow? Already?? Say it ain't so!

  12. I like the lighter colors. Looks bright and airy.

  13. What a pretty blue. Looks so bright when you repaint. Its funny though, when it was painted the other color it prob looked so bright and fresh also.


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