Sunday, June 2, 2024

Estate Sale

My usual days to go to Estate Sales are Thursday and Friday and lately it seems that I always have something else to do on those days and have not been able to go to as many as I would like. 

But last Friday there was one about a mile from my house so I manage to get to it before I had to go to work. 

This is the house:

It is for sale and according to they are asking a scant 1.1 million for it! Jeez, real estate prices are even crazier than last summer! 

I liked the front door. 

Although for such a big door is sure had a small, chintzy-looking handle and lock on it! 

The house is a beauty that's for sure. 

Blogger won't let me enlarge these pictures for some reason but that's the kitchen and family room. 

Everything for sale was high-end and expensive!

There was a bunch of glass and crystal pieces as you can see in the kitchen. 

I thought these plates were so pretty!

They were also $13 apiece! Pass. 

I liked this wine bottle holder. 

Priced at $40. I rarely drink wine but if I was rich and had a big house, I would definitely buy this. I think it would look pretty cool with a couple of wine bottles in it! 

This wall hanging was stunning and huge! 

Apparently, the piece was called "Circles" and it was selling for $300 per panel or 4 for $1,100. 

Not sure what a panel included but either way that's a lot of money! 

There was a closet full of pillows of different shapes and sizes

Doesn't that look like a Bed Bath and Beyond store?

This table had a bunch of jewelry making beads and tools on it. 

Don't need any of that but I really liked that lamp, though! I could not find a price on it but I'm sure it wasn't cheap! 

This giant ottoman was pretty cool. 

They were asking $200. 

There was several really nice pictures throughout. 

These were in the laundry room. 

I really liked these bookends. 

They were asking $30 for them which I thought was a decent price. But I passed. Don't really need them. 

This is the only thing I ended up buying. 

Yep, all that beautiful stuff and all I bought was a $4 plastic milk crate to keep our hose in! 

Last of the big spenders I am! 

Then the same day at work I received this text message. 

Sometimes when a resident leaves or passes away the families do not want all the stuff in their rooms and they will offer it to anyone who wants it. 

Kind of like a free Estate Sale. I went but did not take anything. 

That's it for me for now. I will leave you with the latest from Maxwell and Levi. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Wow - that was quite a house, and a very high end sale. Far too expensive for my wallet. :)
    Those are great pics of Maxwell and Levi!

  2. Everything was pretty expensive at this sale.
    The house is huge, I'd get lost in it. :)
    The big door is nice - looks like it could be a church door. I agree about it having a little dinky door handle.

  3. Maxwell & Levi are so cute! The house is gorgeous, but I think they overpriced some things. The ottoman is gorgeous, but I have seen new ones for this price or cheaper. I really like the bird pictures on the wall. And I love the door, it looks new. But you are right about the handle and lock. It needs something much larger and fancier.

  4. I agree that the door handle doesn't fit that door. It looks like a beautiful home. Crazy prices on that stuff though. Love those bird pictures and the ones that were in the laundry room.
    The crate purchase would be me. I like all the other stuff but my thrifty nature would lead me to a milk crate instead.
    Awesome pictures of the boys. They're getting so big.

  5. That was expensive merchandise. I love the pics of your grandsons. The background is so pretty, too.

  6. The closet of pillows is CraZy!! Who has that many pillows???

  7. The grands are Getting SO big!! And More adorable, as ever!
    When Blogger does that to me, I simple switch over to a different server like Foxfire, or Chrome. go to my blog, hit Sign In, then go to post...and do what needs doing! Always works.

  8. The boys are getting so big! I will take that $1.1M house as is, hahahaha xoxo

  9. Oh my, such fancy stuff. I would have bought the milk crate too. :) I've never been to an estate sale. Your cute grandsons are growing so fast!

  10. It seems they were asking too much $ for everything and they will have to do it again for less money, so why not price to sell?
    The milk crate was a good buy! The boys are so cute and growing up so quick.


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