Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hey Ho!

No, I'm not calling you a Ho! I just liked that title for some reason!

Spring is finally springing around these parts! It's 63 out right now with beautiful sunshine! It's supposed to hit 68 degrees. All the trees are finally starting to turn green and all the bushes have buds on them! Come on Spring! Love it!

Let's see what's been going on lately.

I made a pizza dough with ground cauliflower last weekend. It actually turned out pretty good. You ground cauliflower until you have 4 cups. Then mix in one egg, a cup of mozzarella cheese and some Italian seasoning. It's pretty thick and you just press it out on a pan. The recipe said to use parchment paper but I didn't have any so I just sprayed the pan really good. In retrospect I should have used parchment paper.It stuck pretty good!!

Anyway, here it is before cooking.

Here it is after cooking for 15 minutes at 450. Slightly burnt around the edges but looks pretty good.

And finally the finished product with turkey pepperoni, onion and cheese.

It tasted just like a pizza with a cauliflower crust! I liked it a lot...Rich did too but I'm not so sure he would want to substitute it for a regular pizza all of the time!  Anyway, when you can't eat wheat it's nice to know you can still find some good substitutes!

Speaking of my wheat free diet! I've lost 17 pounds since starting the diet the Saturday after Christmas. Slow but steady!

Of course at work they never make things easy! This was a huge basket of candy to celebrate National Laboratory Week! It was sitting right by me too!

I grabbed a few pieces to take home to Rich but did not eat any myself. Luckily it didn't last very long!

Well best go try to get some housework done! It will be nice to get the windows open later today!

Until the next time..

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Miscellaneous Things

There's not a lot going on around here right now. Apparently Michigan has no clue that it's supposed to be Spring out! Just waiting for the weather to warm up enough to at least get the windows open!

I thought I would share with you some miscellaneous pictures that I took over the winter.

I may have mentioned before that my older brother is a dentist. Anyway, this is the little coffee area he has in his waiting room. There's all sorts of coffees and teas. There's also water and juice in the fridge. No snacks, though! They don't want you coming in to get your teeth worked on with food all over them!

This is that awesomely comfortable bed we slept in at the Soaring Eagle casino a few weeks ago. Wish we would have felt better when we were there!

These are three of my sweet sister-in-laws! My youngest brother Don's wife Linda is on the left, my middle brother Tom's wife, Debbie is in the middle, and my older brother Jim's wife, Helen is on the right.  Love them!

Oh, and that dish in front of them was a smores dip that you ate with graham crackers. I didn't eat any but it looked really good!

These are traffic lights that are completely covered with snow. Took this pic on my way to work one morning. It had snowed a wet snow that stuck to everything. This picture's not that great but the traffic lights are normally yellow and the pole they are attached to is normally dark green!

Lastly, this was the floor of a little cafe in the Soaring Eagle casino. The picture doesn't do it justice but it was  kind of a iridescent floor that sparkled with all sorts of color. Probably the prettiest floor I have ever seen. I've even got this picture as backdrop on my phone!

Well, time to take a walk somewhere. Even if I do have to bundle up to do it!

Until the next time.....

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...