Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spring is Springing Along

We have been having beautiful spring weather all this week! Today is the first day that it's actually a little hot and humid out!

Last week we went to Dante's 1st birthday party! I can't believe he's a year old already! Anyway,  he put on a good show digging into his birthday cake!

And he was tired so he was crying in between bites......

He's such a little cutie!!!

Yesterday we went to Rich's niece, Janeen's  house for a BBQ. She got married in Florida in February and so they had a little slide show of their wedding. And the last picture was a ultrasound so they could announce that they are expecting a baby in December!

That's about it around here. We are in full Spring mode getting the yard cleaned up and ready to plant flowers next weekend. I'll leave you with a video of Smudge at the window crying to me because I am sitting outside. He does this every time I am outside...Ignore the fact that I'm kind of egging him on..

Until the next time.....

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Brenda's Photo Challenge-What I Love About Spring

It's Brenda's Photo Challenge  time again. This one is titled What I Love About Spring.

I love


This bush that only flowers in the Spring!

The return of these guys! This guy was there when I opened the door to go take pictures of the tulips.  He froze in the upright position!

Even the hail that we got a few weeks ago! 

Check out the above link for more things to love about Spring! 

Until the next time....

Friday, May 3, 2013


Last Saturday it was so nice out Rich and I decided to walk a trail to a dam on the Huron River in Ann Arbor. We probably walked about a mile and a half to get from the parking lot to the dam.

It was a nice walk on a paved trail

along the Huron River which is high right now due to all the rain we had recently.

And we ultimately ended up at Argo damn. We stood there for a while contemplating the rushing water and enjoying the lovely blue sky.

You see that little platform on the lower left? I was standing on that looking at the water. When I turned to walk away I forgot I was standing on said little platform, and kind of rolled my left foot/ankle off the side of it! It hurt like hell and the bad part was I had to limp my way back about a mile to get to the road so Rich could get the car and pick me up.

Saturday night I iced it and rested it but by Sunday it was hurting pretty bad so off we went to urgent care.

They took a couple of x-rays of my foot and they were non-conclusive so they put a splint on it and gave me some crutches.  I have to stop here to say that walking on crutches is not an easy feat! I was getting a work out!

On Wednesday I went to a orthopedic doctor who looked at the x-rays, manipulated and pressed my foot and said it was not fractured, just sprained and bruised. He did say there was a old fracture and I remembered that happened back in 1981 when I was pregnant with Shauna. I stepped off the porch and twisted my ankle. It hurt way worse than this time! I never did go to the ER though because I didn't want x-rays due to being pregnant (plus I think we may have had lousy insurance or non at all!). So now I find out 32 years later that it was fractured!

Anyway, I don't have the splint on anymore. I just keep it wrapped with an ace bandage but it's pretty sore and bruised. I'm kicking myself with my good foot for being so clumsy and forgetful!

So that's been my week! How about yours?

I leave you with a picture of 5 hungry cats!

Starting at the top: Toby, Smudge, Zoe, Cocoa and Max!

Until the next time........

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...