Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dads House Saturday

 I mentioned before that my dad is planning on selling the house he's lived in for the past 40 years.

So after working our butts off and gathering stuff from all over my dads house, last Saturday we had a garage sale there.

Friday night after work we went over there and set up tables and put a bunch of stuff on them

Saturday morning we got there around 7:30 am to price stuff and finish setting stuff up,  The sale started at 10:00.

The pictures really don't show how much stuff there was but you get the drift.

My dad's house is right on a main street so I put an ad on Craigslist and we put signs on the two major intersections by his house and in the front.

After 6 hours when the sale was over, the house looked pretty much like it does in the pictures above.

We had about 10 people total I think and he made $114 all together. So disappointing! I think the problem was it's pretty much the end of the garage sale season and people just aren't coming out anymore!

I'm contemplating boxing up all of the stuff and trying again at my house in the Spring when my subdivision has their sub garage sale. There is a lot of good sell-able stuff and I hate to have to donate it all! I know my dad could use the money,too! Plus he has several things that are really old that I would like to take to a antique dealer to see if they are worth anything. I plan on doing a post on that soon.

In other news, my friend Marie is a grandma now. Her daughter had her baby last Thursday!

Here she is with her husband and little Mariana Marsella! I am so happy for her and her family and would be lying if I didn't admit that I am a little jealous, too!

Until the next time......

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Real Senior Moment

A few months ago when we switched cable companies, my laptop computer decided it did not want to connect to the Internet once again.

This happened once before and my (future at the time) son-in-law worked two days on it to finally get it to connect, so when it happened again I decided I was not going to bug my (now) son in law again and just use it as a fancy chopping board! And I would get a new computer!

So it took me a while to decide if I wanted another lap top or if I wanted a desk top. I did some research and decided to by a HP Pavilion lap top, same as the old one but obviously newer and better! I was a little more confident with familiarity.

Anyway, I went to the computer store, pointed out the one I wanted, said no to everything they try to add on, paid and walked out of there with it in about 15 minutes.

Got home and took it out of the box, put the battery in, plugged it in the wall and then sat there trying to figure out how to open the darn thing! Two latches on each side and I could not for the life of me figure out how they work! I was on the verge of putting it back in the box, marching back to the store and demanding they show me how to open it, when it dawned on me that I had the lap top backwards and the latches were actually hinges!

Thank goodness I didn't go back to the store because I would have had to crawl out of there on my hands and knees from embarrassment!

I have no excuse except for the HP was facing the right way and fooled me!

So anyway, here it is!

And because it runs Windows 10 I had to buy this on my kindle.

I had to download Google Chrome to do this post because Blogger and Windows 10 don't play well together!

Shauna's husband Brad is in Vietnam right now for work. He'll be there for two weeks. It's a great opportunity for him but I hate that Shauna is home with out him! Too bad she couldn't go but his ticket costs $11,000 and I don't think his company will pay for her, too!

He's going to be a billionaire over there because every American dollar is worth like 22,000 dong! We told him we're expecting him to bring back some awesome souvenirs!

This weekend we are having a garage/moving sale at my dads house. I was there last weekend and will be there Friday night and Saturday night. He has a ton of stuff! I hope it is a successful sale.

 He plans on listing the house at the end of the month. He'll be sad to leave there after 41 years but it's too much for him now and I always worry about him going up and down the stairs.

That's all for now. I'll be sure to do a post about the garage sale next week.

Until then...

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...