Saturday, April 25, 2020

Uber Eats Delivery Driver

As I have mentioned before Rich delivers food for Uber Eats.

He started about a year ago as a way to supplement his social security. He could work when he wanted to and didn't really have to answer to anyone as long as he picks up the food and delivers promptly.

He's had weeks where he's been really busy,  getting food orders one after another, and weeks when he's been really slow and did a lot of sitting around waiting for orders to come in.

As you can imagine since the beginning of the pandemic and restaurants have been open for carry out only, he's been super busy. The orders come in two at a time and he's scrambling to keep up.

At the restaurants when he picks up the food  he has to wait outside in his car for them to bring the food out to him because they don't want people inside the restaurants and then when he delivers to the customer, he places the food on the porch and lets the customer know he has arrived.

He wears a mask and cleans his hands with hand sanitizer between every order and will wash his hands anytime he can get inside a restaurant to the bathroom, usually McDonalds.

People are extra grateful these days and have been leaving tips for him outside their doors along with tipping him on the Uber Eats App too.

This one is my favorite.

A hand cream and a $20 tip! The hand cream is really nice, too!

In other news, the school bus drivers have been leaving notes at the bus stops in our park. This one was at our corner.

We did a Zoom get together with my brothers and their wives. Nice but definitely not the same!

That's all for now. Hoping to have a back yard visit with Maxwell and Levi this weekend.

Until the next time stay safe and stay well.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Alternate Reality

Everything seems so surreal right now. I can't be the only one that feels that way, right?

My drive into work in the morning is literally all by myself for most of the way. I see maybe one or two cars going the other way but until I get into Ann Arbor city, there is no other traffic.

Yesterday I even stopped in the middle of the road to look at some beautiful deer that were grazing in a field not too far off of the road. I should have taken a picture! I had time to as there was no other cars on the road!

Work is so slow right now I go hours without anything to do!

I was supposed to be off next week but because I have a very unreliable, crappy  co-worker I am having to work after all! That's all I want to say about that!

We did manage to see Maxwell and Levi on Easter Sunday. They stayed in the backyard and we visited them from outside the fence at least 6 feet away!

That's Levi sitting in the corner!

The weather lately has been crazy! I drove to my brothers houses to deliver some traditional Italian Easter Bread that I make every year to them and it was hailing like crazy!

Yesterday I walked down to get our mail and got caught in another hail storm and tonight we are suppose to get 1-2 inches of snow! I hope they're wrong!

Our local Kroger store has one way aisles now. It's actually a great idea and if people actually followed the rules it's easy to keep your distance!

Speaking of following the rules. Yesterday about 1500+ cars drove to Lansing MI to protest the governors extreme stay at home order. The idea was to show up at the capitol building and just stay in your car. But people got out of their cars and walked around and mingled in groups and took group selfies and really just ended up looking like idiots!  Pretty ineffective because the governor got on TV later and pretty much said that people acting like that just risk having the stay at home order extended past the end of April! I hope not but it's not looking real good right now!

Finally, Maxwell and Levi got a new wagon from their other grandparents for Easter.

I cannot wait to hug and kiss them again!

That's all the excitement for now!

Until the next time stay safe and stay well!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Cleaning the China Cabinet

This China Cabinet was my grandmothers.

The other day I emptied out and cleaned everything, The middle shelf holds the tea set that I told you about in THIS post.

These are some other things I keep in there that have a special meaning to me;

These cow creamers belonged to my mom. I had one and found the other one underneath a bunch of magazines  in an end table when we cleaned out my dad's house.

These oil and vinegar carafes were my maternal grandmothers. I think they are depression glass.

This is the cake topper, champagne glasses and cake cutter from our wedding. The cake topper still has 43 year-old cake frosting on the bottom! Shauna and Brad used the champagne glasses at their wedding.

This is the souvenir we got for my parents from our honeymoon. It says Mom and Dad and the date 3/18/77 and on the back it says Thanks. We got one for Rich's parents also.

This is a small collection of miniature brass clocks that I collected many years ago. All except one are Bulova.

These are hand painted wine glasses I got for Christmas one year. I just love them.

 This is my mom and dads wedding picture. They were married on October 16, 1954. I have her dress and one day I'll do a post about it.

This beaded heart came from my now ex-daughter in law. I love it and miss her. 

This is a 5 minute hour glass that Shauna gave me for my birthday.

The bottom of the china cabinet just holds various souvenirs from places we've traveled or other things people have given us. The platter in the back is from a flea market. I just liked it and I'm pretty sure I only paid about $2 for it. I use it any time we have people over for a holiday.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Little Break

I worked every day last week in pretty much a ghost town. Only one other person in the room with me and practically no one anywhere else.  Anyway, I'm off this week and I'm glad. I need a little break and down time!

Levi is better now and Maxwell was sick for a few days with a fever but he's better now too so hopefully they stay well!

I miss them!

This pair of geese were at the entrance to my work earlier this week.

As you can see, there is one egg in the nest. They were not happy to see me walking by either!

Later when I go t off both the geese and the nest were gone! I don't know if they abandoned it or if maintenance chased them away and covered the nest. Anyway, probably for the best.

Can't have them attacking everyone as they are trying to walk into work!

Rich and I took a walk on a trail yesterday and someone put a painted rock on this  plaque.

I thought about painting some rocks but I'm not very artistic!

That's pretty much it for now. I have a couple projects I plan on doing this week so I'm sure I will be telling you all about them soon!

Until then stay well and stay safe!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...