Wednesday, August 26, 2020

End of Summer Days

 So far, this has been a pretty good summer. I think partially because I am retired and partially because the weather has been beautiful, hot but I never complain about the heat! It's also been nice not to feel like I've worked another gorgeous summer away!

My neighbor next door, who works at a nursery, has been giving me plants all summer long. First a beautiful hanging plant early in the summer and then in the past few weeks she's given me a beautiful zinnia and the other day she gave me this hibiscus that's about 3 feet tall.

Here it is next to the zinnia which is blooming like crazy! 

The hibiscus gets huge blooms that last for a day or two then wilt away!

Here is a comparison to a dinner plate! 

I love it! I don't think I'm going to plant it in the ground this year. I'll probably bring it inside for the winter and figure out what to do in the Spring. I may give it to Shauna to plant at her house. 

The people a few door down from us raise macaws and will occasionally walk them down the street. Its kind of blurry but you can see the lady is holding one in her left hand! They are beautiful birds and apparently they have about 7 of them at any given time!  

Yesterday I washed a pair of shorts that had two gold bracelets in the pocket that I forgot were in there. One of them is completely gone and the other one I found most of it but it's broken and I'm sick about it! Have you ever gotten so mad at yourself you could just spit? That's me right now!

 I have always been notorious for not checking pockets when I do laundry! I have washed more money and papers and kleenex over the years! Anyway, think this note will help? 

That's about it for now. As always I leave you with a picture of my boys! 

Maxwell sleeps in a big boy bed now and so far it's going good. Levi is going to be 2 on September 27th! 

Until the next time...stay safe and well! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Losing my Ambition

These days I seem to be struggling to do more than the usual cleaning and mundane chores. I think this pandemic is finally getting to me! Anyway, we'll get though somehow!

I have many projects in mind to do but they all are inside things that probably should wait until the weather is to cold to be outside. 

The library is open now so I have spent a lot of time reading on the deck and watching the birds at the feeders. 

We've been having a flock (gang, group not sure what they are called) of Canada geese visit us every day lately to eat the bird seed that is underneath our feeder. 

We even had one of the local stray cats keeping an eye on them, too! 

These two eyeballed each other for quite a while! 

I need to find a way to discourage them from coming here though. They leave their little "presents" all over the lawn and I have to clean it up before the boys come over because they play on the grass! 

Rich and I had a gift card to a fancy Italian restaurant so we decided to go to dinner on Sunday. The food was ok but I like my Italian cooking better! 

Rich had soup and it came in this little pot! I though it was adorable and wanted to take it home! 

We were sitting right by the window and the light was perfect for picture taking. I normally don't like pictures of me but this one is about as good as it's going to get so... I need to wear lipstick though! I've gotten out of the habit since we have to wear masks every where and who would see it anyway? 

Anyway, that's it for now. Shauna is picking me up in an hour and we are taking the boys to the park. They love to play in the sandbox!

Until the next time, stay safe and well, my friends! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...