Saturday, April 24, 2021

Smoothie Time

I love smoothies and make them often.  My go to is frozen blueberries, frozen banana chunks, a handful of spinach, a tablespoon of peanut butter and cashew or almond milk, I use to make one several times a week and take it to work with me. 

I have a old blender that I have been using but it's kind of a pain and doesn't work very well. I have to shake the container and stir it and keep adding liquid before I finally could get a smoothie that was the right consistency. 

Anyway, one day I had had enough of this blender and it's shenanigans and went to Amazon and ordered myself this! 

This is one powerful little smoothie maker.  First time I tried it using my go to smoothie ingredients it blended everything up in about 5 seconds! 

I thought I would make a smoothie using one of the recipes in the little booklet that came with it. 

It's frozen mangos, strawberries, pineapple, half of an orange and orange juice. It's called a Sunset Smoothie. 

It was pretty good but next time I may replace one of the fruits with banana because that gives it a slight sweetness. 

Plus I like to put some kind of vegetable it it, too! 

It also has a attachment to make smoothie bowls, which I actually never heard of before. Apparently its a super thick smoothie that you top with something like granola or chia seeds or oatmeal and eat it out of a bowl, kind of like a parfait. Doesn't sound like something I would be interested in but you never know! 

In other news...

Maxwell and Levi got haircuts the other day. They looks like such big boys now!

My son is coming into town from New Hampshire on Monday for a week. We haven't seen him since November so I'm looking forward to it. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Chugging Along and A Spoiled Cat

I can hardly believe it's already the middle of April. This year is flying by!

I'm not complaining though because it's Spring and what's not to be joyful about that?

My Azalea that I planted last summer is coming back nicely. I always worry about new plants surviving their first Winter but it did fine. 

It even has wee little buds on it! 

My lilac bush is also coming back nicely with wee little buds! 

The white dogwood trees that line a street by our house are in full bloom, too!

This is just one section of the street. They actually go on for a mile or so. 

When we had the boys over last week we gave then containers with sand in them to play with. They love playing in the sandbox at the park and we don't have anywhere to put one here, so this is the next best thing!

They like to make forms with little cups and Levi gets more sand on the ground than anywhere else! 

Finally, our cat Coco has taken a liking to the cushion I made for my office chair.  She's spending a lot of time laying on it so I have resorted to using my stool I made for a desk chair!

Nothing spoiled about this cat!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Easter and Stuff

 We had a nice Easter celebrating with Brad's family. 

Brad's mom, Sandy, had plastic eggs hidden all over their back yard. They boys had a blast running around looking for them! Then they were "cracking" them on the table and opening them up! 

Then she brought out two buckets full of little toys and candies and a few wrapped presents for each one! She definitely went overboard! 

We had a good time though and it was a beautiful day outside, too! 

There is a house not to far from us that has the whole back part of their yard planted with daffodils. This is the best picture I could get without stepping on to their property. If you click on the picture and make it bigger you can get a better view.  It's really pretty and I look forward to seeing all of them flowers every Spring! 

I've been scanning old pictures and this one was taken in Grand Haven back in 2005 when we went for a visit. The stone is there in memory of people who have lost their lives after being swept off the pier and in honor of those who tried to save them. 

This is a view down the pier with the lighthouse. When it's stormy the waves on Lake Michigan can get huge!  If you are  on the pier they can come up and sweep you right off! It happens a few times every year on various Lake Michigan piers. 

The sunsets with the pier and light house silhouetted are so beautiful! My header picture was also taken in Grand Haven several years later.  

This is a close up of the GM tower at the Renaissance Center that I talked about in my anniversary post a few weeks back. It was taken in 2005 when the baseball All-Star game was at Comerica Park in Detroit. 

They had a picture of a baseball smashing into the tower with "4,612 Ft" which is the distance from home plate in Comerica Park! I thought it was pretty clever! 

That's about it for me right now. We have had beautiful weather the last few days. Got our deck furniture all cleaned up and am looking forward to many hours sitting out there enjoying the beautiful weather!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Eve

Easter Eve? Is it officially Easter eve or maybe it's just called Holy Saturday. 

Friday we went to Shauna's to help the boys color Easter eggs, 

I bought them these cute little aprons to wear so they don't get dye on their clothes. 

It was fun. Maxwell was dying eggs like a pro

Levi was having fun mixing the colors until all his tubs held the same color. Luckily we got him to dye a couple eggs different colors first! 

I made their Easter baskets and we brought them to them on Friday because Sunday will be getting baskets from the Easter Bunny and also from Brad's parents! 

They liked all the little toys I put in there and of course, the candy. Plus we were all helping them eat it! 

Tomorrow we are going to Brads parents for Easter brunch. They invite us every year. We haven't gotten together with our families for Easter for several years, and especially not the last two years!

I hope you all have a blessed and Happy Easter. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...