Saturday, June 26, 2021

Rain, Rain Go Away

Yesterday it rained non-stop all day, even pouring a few times! According to the Michigan forecast it's supposed to be cloudy and rainy for the next 5 days. My mental health is taking a big hit!

In spite of the rain I managed to get to a few estate sales. One of them was at a 1.5 million dollar house and the house next door was also for sale at $1.95 million! I didn't take any pictures, though. 

One estate sale company was advertising for help. I was talking to one of the workers and she was telling me that they are very flexible with their hours and the pay was pretty good, too! Plus they had a sign-on bonus after a certain time. How I would love to work for a estate sale company! The only problem is a lot of the sales are far away from where I live, like 50 or more miles. It would mean driving back and forth for 3-4 days in a row! I don't really want to do that because a) I can't put those kind of miles on my leased car, and B) the actual drives themselves would involve very busy expressways! 

Anyway, one of the sales had several tables full of jewelry. 

This is just one of them. I love looking at estate sale jewelry but seldom buy it. I already have enough jewelry that I don't wear! 

Another sale was in a warehouse and was a estate liquidation company sale. 

There were two floors just loaded with all kinds of pictures, lamps, vases, mirrors and tons and tons of dried flower arrangements! All very ornate stuff that was not my style at all! 

I visited three estate sales and all I bought was a coffee mug! I only go to look at the houses anyway! 

I did manage to get this blurry picture of a license plate on the truck in front of me. It's hard to read but it says CASKET! Wonder the story about that?

I'll leave you with our two baby robin snatchers neighborhood cats Gabriele and Rosita hanging on our deck waiting for Rich to give them treats! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Take Me Out To The (T) ball Game

My son Chris was in town this week. He flew in on Tuesday and left on Saturday night. 

He specifically came here to see Maxwell's one and only T-ball game. He was here for the practice on Tuesday and for the big game on Saturday morning. 

Of course, because you  can't count on Michigan weather for squat it was rainy and cold for Maxwell's game. They played 3 innings anyway and it was pretty cute if not a little uncomfortable. 

Here he is with his team (in front with the white pants) and with his little trophy!  Although he struggled a little with being so shy he says he'll play again next year. The league is for 4 and 5 year old's so he'll be at the upper age and also will have a year of pre-school behind him.

We also had a graduation party to go to and it stormed off and on the whole time! Luckily they had a big tent we were under! 

Then we dropped Chris off at the airport for his 9:00 flight back to New Hampshire. It's always a little sad and quiet at our house for a day or two when he leaves. Luckily we'll see him again for our family vacation up north! 

That was it for my week! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Saving Baby Robin

We have two big pine trees in the front of our house and for the last couple of weeks we have been watching a robins nest in one of them. A few days ago we could see the baby robins were pretty big and standing on the edge of the nest ready to fly the coop! 

We also have two neighborhood cats who like to hang around on our deck because Rich gives them treats and also because they like to watch the birds at our feeder.  They actually belong to the people across the street from us. I was talking to the neighbor and she told me their names are Gabriel and Rosita! She also said she worries about them running across the street all the time and I refrained from asking her if she's so worried about it why does she let them outside? 

Anyway, can you see where I'm going with this? 

Saturday night we kept the boys overnight and Sunday we were hanging around outside with them before their mom came to pick them up. I was looking across the street and noticed one of their cats pounce on something. I watched for a second and could see a bird try to get away and the cat pounce on it again. When I mentioned it to Rich he said that about a hour ago he saw one of the cats grab a baby bird off of our lawn and run across the street with it!  

Oh no...not one of MY baby birds! I walked across the street and I could hear the robins chirping in the closest tree. I shooed the cat away and picked up the baby bird. It was so tiny and had a small puncture wound on it's neck! But it seemed ok otherwise. It was standing and flapping it's wings. I brought it back to our yard to show the boys. 

Maxwell immediately held his hands out to hold it. Levi declined but did pet it very gently. The bird looks big in Maxwell's little hands but it fit perfectly in the palm of my hand! It was so tiny!

Then I had Rich put it in the tree on the highest branch he could reach. After a short while the parent birds were coming to it and feeding it. The next time I looked the baby and the parents were gone. 

I going to assume they all flew away together! 

All the splash pads have opened again in this area and Shauna and I took the boys to one on Friday. 

They loved it. I see we will be spending a lot of time at them this summer!

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends!

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Roll With It, Baby!

Lately I've been making an attempt to get my pantry a little more organized. One of the things that has bugged me from the start is this shelf. 

It's just a little wire hanging shelf we put up when we moved in. I have always used it to keep my aluminum foil, wax paper, plastic storage bags and those kind of things. When I've needed a particular roll that is in the back I usually knock something else off in the process. Plus the roll of parchment paper is too long and I have to prop it up on one side. 

I've been looking for some over-the-door hanging shelves to use inside the door but I have not been able to find one that the baskets are long enough.

Rich got this handy little plastic bag for a gift (it had six beers in it) a few years ago and I thought it might work to hang on the pantry door and hold all those rolls. It has dividers on the inside and even had a little tab to hang it with as you can see on the bottom picture. 

So I put a command hook up and after waiting the required hour hung my little bag and filled it with all the rolls that were on the shelf. Almost immediately the little tab broke and everything fell to the floor! 

So I hung it by the handle but it sagged too much and swung back and forth whenever the door opened or closed. 

The next day I bought two more commend hooks and put them next to each other as far apart as I could stretch the handle of the bag. Once again I waited the required hour. Note: Looking at this picture I think I probably should have bought white ones so they blend in a little better. 

Anyway, that worked much better and the bag stays still when the door moves. I intend it to be a temporary solution until I can find some kind of wire basket that is wide enough for that pesky parchment paper roll. 

We've been going to Maxwell's T-ball practices every week and they are fun! Maxwell loves it but he's shy and I think he's one of the youngest and smallest kid on the team. He'll participate as long as his mom or dad are close. 

Levi on the other hand is ready to play! Unfortunately he has to wait a few years until he's old enough! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...