Sunday, August 22, 2021

The One Where We Babysat For Days

I think I'm going to start titling my posts like Friends episodes used to be!

Shauna and Brad went to Las Vegas last week for four days. On Monday morning they dropped the boys off at Brad's mom Sandy's house, we met them there and took them to the airport.

They stayed with Sandy the first night. We picked them up on Tuesday after dinner and took them to spend the night at our house. 

On Wednesday we took them to a local farm to see the animals and to take a wagon ride. 

I have to say they were not impressed with either! It was pretty hot outside and not a lot of shade. I thought they would be excited to ride the wagon because it was pulled by a tractor, and they love tractors but eh....

Later that day we took them back to their house for the night because Shauna and Brad were coming home on Thursday. 

We filled their pool and and they had fun pushing each other down the slide into it! On Thursday we were going to take them to dinner and the dairy queen for ice cream but we ended up just staying at the house and getting pizza for dinner. It was so hot and to tell the truth, strapping them into their car seats is a real PITA! No wonder Shauna doesn't take them a lot of places by herself! 

Anyway, Rich picked Shauna and Brad up at the airport and they were home by 7:45.  

It was exhausting but such a joy to be able to spend so much time with these guys! 

On Friday I went to a local thrift store because they were selling all their clothes for 50% off. I bought 4 sleeveless tops, one long and one short sleeved t-shirt, knitting needles, a skein of yarn, and a bunch of pipe cleaners for a grand total of $14.84! Gotta love thrift stores! 

Work is going good. I ended up having to work on Saturday from 2-7 by myself because the person I was supposed to work with had a family emergency. It was my first time being alone but it went ok. I'm getting the hang of educating people on the benefits of CBD. A lot of people ask me if I use it and to tell the truth, I've only used gummies before to help me sleep. I think the owner, Kate, wants me to try everything eventually. 

It's possible I may have bitten off a little more than I want to chew with this job, though. Besides Kate, there are only 4 other workers and when someone is on vacation or calls off for whatever reason, everyone else has to work extra. I know it makes me sound a little selfish to say this, but I only want to work 20 hours a week. I suppose that is the downside to working for a small business. Everything else is perfect though so we'll see how it goes! 

Lastly, our community is having their bi-annual garage sale this weekend. It was cancelled last year so everyone is glad to see it back this year.  I thought this sign was pretty clever! 

I told the people I liked their sign and they told me I could have it for free with the purchase of their 40" Sony TV. 

No thanks! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

CBD 101

There are two species of the cannabis plant, Hemp and Marijuana. CBD is a compound derived from the Hemp plant.  Full spectrum CBD contains only trace amounts of THC, less than 0.3%. There's also broad spectrum CBD which does not contain any THC. Marijuana contains 10% THC which is what makes the user high. CBD gives you all the benefits from cannabis without the high. It's not used recreationally like marijuana. 

So I don't work at a marijuana dispensary, only a store that sells CBD products. Although, I am and always have been in favor of legalizing marijuana and would gladly work at a dispensary if that job would have come along! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Working and Stuff

Thank you all for your good luck wishes on my potential job. They worked because I was hired on Wednesday and started yesterday!

It's at a store called Your CBD Store

Here's a crappy picture I snapped off the internet. It's in downtown Plymouth, about 4 miles from my house. I will be working 15 or so hours a week. It's exactly what I'm looking for so I'm pretty excited! 

Like it says it's a store that sells CBD products, from oral to topical to edibles! I have a LOT to learn though so I'll be training for a few weeks. The owner of the store, Kate, is really nice and I think she'll be a good boss! Plus the pay is fairly decent! 

Chris sent me this picture of all the wood he's stacked up for the winter. 

That's only one area! Look how neat it is! Between that and his garden that I showed you a few weeks ago I can hardly believe this is my son! 

Where was all that neatness for his room when he was a teenager! 

Did I ever tell you I have a thing for crayons?

I must have been deprived of crayons when I was a child because I love them! I bought crayons for the boys to use when they are here but this is my private collection! The 64 box I bought a few years ago and the Colors of Kindness I just bought today. I'll never use them, I like them brand new. I don't know why, it's just one of those things. 

I bought a beautiful zucchini a few days ago. It was big enough to make this zucchini bread and also have enough to have roasted zucchini for dinner. It only cost $1. Got to love roadside veggie stands! 

These guys loved it! 

That's all for me now. I'll be catching up with you all soon! 

Until then stay safe and well my friends! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...