Thursday, June 23, 2022

Estate Sale Once Again

Last week I stopped at another estate sale.

This house wasn't quite as grand as the previous one but very nice all the same. 

This was the 2nd day of the sale so there was not a lot left. 

This set of Royal Doulton China was very pretty, and they were asking $400 for the set. I'm no expert but that probably was a pretty good price for all that! 

Admittedly I have zero appreciation for art, but someone must have. This sign on this painting said "Rene Bouilly Original Oil on Canvas Vignerom 1963." The asking price was $900 and it was sold. 

I think the best part of this house was the finished walk-out basement! 

It has a living room, kitchen, bedroom, full bathroom and office. You could easily live down here. 

This was the view out the basement window. It's hard to see through the blinds but it was all wooded and lush! 

I did really like this painting! They were asking $150 for it. The sign said "Original Oil on Canvas" and "In the Spring" was written on the bottom. It was very pretty but alas, way over my budget and no proper place to hang it in my house anyway! 

I'll leave you with another creation by our local artist and my co-worker Janisse. 

She changes the display board at work every season. She is so talented! 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Deliver Woes and Other Stuff!


Yes, this post isn't about an Estate Sale for a change! I figured I would do a random post. I do have another estate Sale to tell you about but that can wait for the next time. 

Hey blogger, what's with some of my comments going into the spam folder?! I see that some of you are also having that problem! At least I got into the habit of checking now! 

 I thought this photo I got with my Amazon delivery was cute!

That's our outdoor cat standing guard to make sure no porch pirates take my package! 

Speaking of Amazon deliveries, a few weeks ago I was expecting a delivery from them. I noticed the driver pulled up between our house and the one next door. After he delivered a box to them and then us I went out to the deck to get it. There was no address on the box. It looked like it had been torn off. When I opened the box it was not the stuff I ordered so I took it next door. Sure enough, the box for me was sitting on their porch with my name on it. I knocked on the door and the girl who answered told me that what had been delivered to me was hers! 

I'm glad she didn't open my box because it contained some personal stuff. I did file a complaint with Amazon, too! People are always posting on the community FB page about not receiving packages or getting someone elses! This includes FedEx, UPS and USPS too! 

I ordered a pair of water shoes from Land's End. When I got notified by USPS they were delivered they weren't in my box. Luckily I caught the postal delivery person at the boxes and when he opened them to check, my shoes were in the wrong mailbox! I think he was embarrassed! I was just thankful I got to them before the other person did! They may not have returned them to me! 

These delivery people are just too busy and rushing all the time! 

OK I will tell you about one sale I went to. The sign said Estate Sale but it was outside in the garage! So no looking inside the house for me but they did have this for sale

A whole bin just loaded with Legos! Maxwell and Levi would have loved it and spent hours playing! Unfortunately at $150 it was way over my budget! 

I did manage to buy these for them, though. 

Brand new in the box. One for each of them. Even though it says 5+ on it Levi can put these together with a minimum of help. They are both Monster truck crazy! 

We watched some fireworks on Friday night. Canton had it's Liberty Fest this weekend and they always have fireworks on the first night. 

Here's Maxwell and Levi getting comfortable in the back of their dad's truck. 

It was a pretty good fireworks show. We viewed it from a parking lot about a mile away from where they actually were setting them off. 

That's about it for the moment. We've had a nice, cool weekend but the heat is coming back and it's predicted to be pretty hot all next week.

That's fine with me! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I Spoke Too Soon

First before I start this post I want to mention that I was still thinking about those snow people from the previous estate sale. I contemplated going back to the house to make an offer on them. Then while looking again at the picture I took I noticed the snow woman's nose was broken off! I don't know how I didn't notice that before! I guess I was so enamored by all the little birds! Anyway, that cured my desire for them so on with today's post! 

After commenting on my last post that I haven't seen many Estate Sales lately, on Saturday my friend Marie and I were driving from breakfast to Walmart and happened upon another Estate Sale. 

That's two in one weekend! 

This was a beautiful house on a lake in the town of Northville. I used to drive past it when I worked at the cider mill last year and so I was very excited to see the inside! The sale was run by a company called Estate Love! See the turret on the right side? Keep that in mind. 

While the previous post was all about the stuff at the sale, this one is mostly about the house! 

We had to put shoe covers on at the door and the first thing we saw was the jewelry!

Nothing jumped out at either one of us, so we moved on. 

This was a sitting room right outside the kitchen with beautiful leather furniture! You can see a glimpse of the lake out of the window.  Here's a closer look. 

They were selling some really beautiful pictures! 

Here's Marie going through them. Of course, we didn't buy any! 

The kitchen was gorgeous! 

This was a beautiful hutch was attached to the wall. 

This refrigerator! 

The fanciest one I've ever seen! Marie said it is a sub-zero.

This gorgeous fireplace was on the other side of the kitchen. 

Upstairs along the wall were these sconces. 

And this is looking across the stair opening. 

And this was what was inside the turret I asked you to keep in mind earlier. 

Isn't this adorable? This looked like it was a child's room and look at the crystal chandelier over the bed! 

But this was the best part of the house. 

This is the view from the balcony outside the master bedroom upstairs. 

And then from the patio and the yard.

This house was stunning and I was so glad to be able to take a peek inside! 

Marie and I looked it up on Zillow and it sold for a mere $2.45 million! You have to wonder who can afford to live in these houses?!

Neither one of us bought anything. We left and took our humble selves to Walmart! 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Another Estate Sale Down

Estate sales have been few and far between this Spring for some reason. I do see a lot of Garage Sales, but I never go to them. 

Friday I was driving around running errands and happened to spot this sign.

I know you can't read the top, but it was an Aaron's Estate Sale. That was the company I thought about working for last year and they wanted to hire me. Too much driving far distances though so I didn't take the job. With the gas prices what they are these days I can't imagine it now! 

This was the house it was at.

It was a cute house, different than most of the houses in the area. I looked it up on Zillow and they were asking $475,000 for it! It was pending a sale too! The real estate market is ridiculous right now! 

Normally, I pay more attention to the house than the stuff in it but this one had some interesting things. It must have been the 2nd day of the sale because everything was 25% off.  Just to note, it doesn't really show in the pictures, but everything was really dirty! 

They did have a little bit of jewelry but nothing that caught my eye! Most of it was cheap looking anyway! 

There were several designer wallets: Coach, Michael Kors, Fossil. They were about $10-15 each. 

Apparently, a nurse lives here. I liked the "This is my Bah Hum Mug" mug!

There were several sets of dishes that I thought were really pretty! Filthy, but very pretty! 

This tote was filled with all different size and shapes of mirrors! 

And several totes full of picture frames! 

There was two bedrooms and a bathroom in the basement. 

This Tiffany-style lamp was pretty but very dirty! I was itching to clean it up. They wanted $150 for it. 

I almost grabbed these for the boys. They were only $8 but they have a ton of building stuff so I passed.  

I really, really, REALLY wanted this pair of snow people! They were so cute with all the little birds, and only $22.50 for the pair (after 25% discount) but I already have way too many as it is and I do not need anymore!  I forced myself to walk away without them! 

I didn't buy a single thing but I did have fun looking at all of the stuff, and also the house.  

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends! 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Swinging Into Summer

Our SIL Brad was out of town for a golf trip last week so to give Shauna some much needed me time, we took the boys overnight on Friday. We took them to the park and after dinner we went to the dairy queen. After that we took them to the little park in our community.  We finally got them to do something that they have been too scared to do: Swing on the swings. I had a little video to show you but blogger won't let me upload it! Here's a couple screenshots. 

Rich was teaching Maxwell how to pump his legs. 

They both loved it and didn't want to get off. Then on Saturday morning we were back there bright and early to swing again! 

We had a blast with them and then after we took them home took a long nap! It was nice to be able to give Shauna a little break! 

When we picked up the boys we took Shauna's Explorer because obviously we don't have car seats in our car, Shauna asked us to fill her gas tank. 


I took this picture out the window over Rich's shoulder. $81 to fill the tank! It was $5.06 per gallon at the time and yesterday it was $5.19. 😡 The price of gas is keeping us from taking overnight trips to one of the Great Lakes like we usually do in the summer! And don't even get me started on the price of groceries! I'm so frustrated with the state of this country right now!  

This is the reminder that pops up on the screen in Shauna's car whenever you open the door. It's sad that even needs to be there! 

I'm still scanning pictures but haven't done a lot lately. I've been spending as much time as possible outside enjoying the nice weather. 

Anyway, here's a few old family pictures 

Christmas 1981. Shauna was 5 months old and Chris was 2 1/2. 

And here we are in 1989. Shauna was 8 and Chris was 10. This has always been one of my favorite family pictures in spite of me having big hair and a cigarette in my right hand! That was before we vinyl sided our house and it had ugly, baby poop colored asbestos siding! 

Anyway, that's it for me for now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...