Sunday, June 25, 2023

Couple Quick Estate Sales

There is not an abundance of estates sales right now, but I did manage to get to a few and saw some interesting things! 

The first one was at this house. 

It was a pretty run down, outdated house but still Zillow estimated its value at $500,000 because it was on a decent sized lot and in a desirable area! 

This is the first time I have been to an estate sale where there was a big hulking guy at the front door telling me I can't enter with my purse! That is the absolute truth! He was huge...and blocking the door! So, I went back to my car and probably would have driven off but I saw lots of interesting things in the garage carport on the right and I wanted to check them out further! I admit there was an abundance small tchotchkes that would be easy to slip in your purse if you so desired! 

This time instead of Longaberger baskets this house was filled with clocks! 

This is only about a third of them because my phone died before I could take any more! All the clocks were very nice and beautifully restored. 

There was a work bench in the garage with tools and all sorts of clock parts and unfinished clocks! It was pretty obvious what this persons hobby was! 

The carport area had a ton of outside garden stuff, which I couldn't take any pictures of because, you know, my phone was dead. 

This was all I bought though. 

It's about 7" tall. I was planning on painting it black, the flowers and leaves in different colors and the swan white. Now I'm not so sure. I may just paint it one solid color and leave it at that. 

The next estate sale was at a condo complex that I had been to an estate sale there about a month or so ago. There is a man-made lake in the middle of it. 

This one wasn't for sale yet, but Zillow estimated it at $647,000. Insane. All the condos in this complex are beautiful but give me a break!

Anyway, I saw a few things I liked. 

This clock was very pretty and I thought a fair price at $12. I didn't buy it though. 

This cart was cute. Price: $50

I like the cat in the basket! 

The kitchen was nice! 

Loaded with all sorts of dishes! 

I liked this set of pottery dishes or stoneware, not sure what to call it. 

All the pieces were very sturdy. There was no price on it so I don't know what they were asking. 

Not like I was going to buy it anyway! 

Oh look, a Christmas Tree with a bunch of ornaments for sale!

Lots and lots of jewelry! 

There were some interesting animals, like this very realistic looking cat. It felt like real fur, too! 

But the best one was this dog. 

Both the cat and the dog, especially the dog, were so real looking! I actually started to say hi to the dog before I noticed the $30 price tag on its head! It wouldn't surprise me at all if that was a live dog at one time and was taxidermized after they passed! 

I loved this little figurine!

In case you can't read it it says, "If I only have 9 lives let me spend them all with you"

I bought Shauna several of these types of clowns when she was younger. 

I didn't buy it but I was tempted! 

This is the only thing I bought. 

A glass butter dish for $3. I don't know why but I thought it would be good to use when we have company! I guess I can impulse buy even at estate sales! 

That's all the excitement in my neck of the woods! 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Phone Photo Dump

Not a lot going on around here. I haven't been to any estate sales worth mentioning lately. I hope to change that soon but, in the meantime, you get a dump of pictures from my phone! 

Shauna sent me this picture she took while driving one day. Someone has a weird sense of humor!

This pretty lupine that I spotted on my morning walk. 

I finished my Lego succulent garden! I worked on it during a few stressful days, and it was good to keep my mind off things! It's only about 5" x 5" and so cute! 

I saw this sign at an estate sale weeks ago, I just never published the picture! 

There is a turkey that always hangs out in the middle of an intersection by our house. This lady was trying to chase it off the street! The turkey would walk away and as soon as she walked back towards her car it would turn around and walk back into the street! 

Lastly, I'm embarrassed to admit that I can count on one hand the number of times I've made homemade whipped cream. For some reason it seemed like a tedious process to me so I just used Reddy Whip or Cool Whip when I needed it

However, recently I purchased a small carton of heavy whipping cream for something else and, not wanting to waste the rest of it I decided to whip it up into whipped cream to go with my strawberries! A little powdered sugar and vanilla and oh my gosh! So good and I will never purchase whipped cream again! 

That's it for me for now. Hopefully I will be back soon with an estate sale or two to tell you about! 

Thanks for stopping by! See you the next time! 

Thursday, June 8, 2023

An Interesting Estate Sale


The latest estate sale I went to was at this house. 

I've always loved houses with a long front porch. This house was not for sale yet but Zillow valued it at $375,000. 

My guess is a single man lived here because I only saw one bed although there was 4 bedrooms, and only men's clothes in the closets. 

And the decor of the whole house was sort of a Southwestern, Native American, cowboy theme. although it wasn't reflected in the kitchen.

The kitchen cupboards were filled with food and everything was $1

Here's more pictures. I liked this wolf clock. 

Boot jars going all up the staircase. 

Oh, and apparently he was a huge Elvis fan! 

This Elvis in an egg was pretty cool. There were two of them priced at $20 each.

And an Elvis phone. 

The best thing was this though. A model of Graceland for $50! 

It included a pink Cadillac, all of the graves and even a little set of gates with the Elvis silhouette and musical notes on them! 

It was adorable and I loved it! 

I didn't find anything to buy but it was definitely a fun estate sale to walk around!

In other news. 

The boys only have two more weeks of baseball and they got their medals. 

I snuck this picture of Rich at work the other day. 

He was busy marking down items that were nearing their expiration date. 

That's about it for me now. 

Thanks for stopping by and see you the next time! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...