Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Project Redo

Back in 1989 when I used to cross stitch a lot, my mom wanted me to make her something to put in the dining room for Thanksgiving. We went to the craft store and she picked out a cross stitch kit she liked. 

This is the finished project. My dad made a frame for it, and it hung on the wall in their dining room until we moved my dad out of his house in 2015. 

I brought it home with me and hung it up every Thanksgiving for a few years. When we moved into this house I really didn't have anywhere to hang it. To save space I took it out of the frame and put it in a drawer until I could figure out what to do with it. 

While going through box of pictures and frames to donate the other day I came across this moose wall hanging. 

I think I got it a long time ago to hang in one of our spare bedrooms at our old house. When I saw this I had an idea. 

I grabbed the cross stitch out of the drawer. 

And the dowel out of the moose hanging. 

And then using fusing tape I folded over and sealed the edges of the cross stitch inserting the dowl hanger into the top hem. This is the result! 

I hung it on my pantry door in the kitchen where I normally just hang little plaques from the dollar store. I'm very pleased with it and am so glad I found a way to display the project I made for my parents back all those years ago!

And the moose hanging did not go to waste.

I got a plant stake and tied a string to it and hung it in the guest room. 

In other news, we finally got the other bathroom painted. I show a before and after next post. 

See you next time and thanks for stopping by! 


Friday, October 13, 2023

A Goodbye and a Final Estate Sale Post

Thursday was my last day at work. Today I stopped by to turn in my key. The owner and her husband were there packing up the rest of the stuff. It's sad to see the store completely empty. 

But this morning I woke up and decided I'm not going to be sad anymore. I've enjoyed my two years there and it's time to move on! 

I spoke to the owner of the boutique that is taking over that spot and she is going to call me to work for her when she needs extra help over the holiday season. That will be good because I've decided I'm not going to look for anything permanent until after the holidays. If at all. 

Anyway, my friend and I went to an estate sale today. They are getting few and far between but this was a nice one.

The house is for sale and they are asking $715,000. Crazy. 

But the kitchen was gorgeous!

I've always loved a corner sink with windows!

White cabinets and the counters were white and black on the island! And look at that ceiling! Beautiful! 

I really liked this unusual dish drainer. They were asking $10 for it.  Everything was 25% off but unfortunately, I don't have room for it by my sink. 

This clock was pretty for $20. 

This fireplace in the dining room was so pretty and had window seats on both sides. Although it's a tad hard to see, I love the shape of the hearth! 

Very pretty china. There was no price, so I don't know what they were asking for it. 

This is the only thing I bought. 

Just a light flannel shirt for $2. This is after I washed and hung it to dry of course. I like wearing flannel shirts in the wintertime. 

Well, that's it for me for now. Even though I no longer have a job to go to I have lots of projects to do here. I'll start by painting our other bathroom which is long overdue!

Thanks for stopping by and see you the next time! 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Halloween House

Before I get into my neighbors Halloween house, I wanted to show you another miniature that I have using my hand for scale. 

Does anyone remember the miniature Tupperware bowl key chains they used to give out? I think it was supposed to be used to carry change on your key chain. I had one that I put change in and one day noticed that all that was left was the top! The bowl and my change were gone! Then they changed the design a little to put the chain on the bowl instead of the top I managed to get my hands on another one! I never used it though because I didn't want to lose one again! Isn't it cute? 

Now on to my neighbors house. 

They do this every Halloween and people love it! They even have a fog machine, but they don't turn it on often because it fogs all the way out into the street! 

Not everyone loves it though. The owners put on the park Facebook page someone stopped and said, "Ghetto, ghetto, ghetto!" Some people just have to be rude! 

Maxwell and Levi are scared to even walk by it! 

In other news, I bought a cheap wreath for $5 at the dollar store to put on our shed door. 

I think it's cute! 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Monday, October 2, 2023

All Things Miniature

Way back in the day when my kids were very young I was crazy about miniature things. I wanted to build one of those miniature houses that had a bunch of rooms, and everything was to 1 inch scale.  Kind of like this. 

I wanted it to be very intricate and detailed with working lights and all the bells and whistles! It was going to be a long and tedious process and I was so looking forward to it! 

The problem was we lived in a pretty small house with no basement or spare room, our kids were pretty young and I was a stay-at-home mom, so I didn't have the money to buy all of the expensive things I would need to make it.

Later when the kids were older and I was working once again, I still had the desire but no time between working and shuffling kids all over! 

I did manage to collect a few things for my house project, though. I even got a few miniature furniture kits and Rich built a couple of dressers and a cute china cabinet. 

When Shauna graduated we moved into a house with a basement so I finally had the room to build my dream miniature house.  But by that time was I was quickly losing interest in doing it! 

We stored all of the things I collected and the furniture Rich made in a box in the basement, thinking maybe one day I would have desire once again to build it! 

That never happened. After 20 years of living there I never did want to even start on it! When we were cleaning out the basement getting ready to sell the house I found the box everything was stored in. Unfortunately the wooden furniture had molded and we had to throw it all away. I kept everything else though and have it displayed in a little box on the wall here in my computer room. 

Here's some close ups with a quarter for comparison. 

Sorry if the pictures are a little blurry. There are a few more things that I have put hooks on and hung on my Christmas tree. I'll post them when I get my tree ornaments out. 

In other news, I have about 2 more weeks at my job. It's getting depressing going in there and watching the place literally being dismantled a little more each time. I will be glad when it's all over with. 

I have a couple job prospects going on right now but, of course, I won't say anything about them yet. 

I did interview and got turned down on a part time teller job at a bank. It was fine though because I wouldn't have taken the job if they offered it to me anyway! The pay was good but there would have been too much pressure to sell financial products to customers! 

I'll leave you with this photo of Maxwell watching videos on my laptop. 

See you the next time and thanks for stopping by! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...