Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekly Winners

Cat Tongue

A Little Bit of Green

Bad Girl

Saving Change

Want to see more? Click the box and visit Lotus!


  1. OK, my bamboo does not look that healthy. Who thought you could kill bamboo? Apparently I can.

    Have a good week!

  2. Bad kitty! Mine do that too. They ***know*** they're not supposed to!!

  3. Great pics and great news in the previous post!

  4. lol...the 'bad girl' is a daily thing at my house! Cute!

  5. I have a little bamboo plant in my bathroom. I need to get a new one. Yours looks good. Love the kitty tongue! and aren't kitties so naughty? Mine oh my gosh rules this house. I have the best time every single day getting (yes it's a privelege) to pet her. She just allows a certain amount! She knows how happy it makes me.

  6. That cat photo is hilarious. Does s/he have all the paws in the votive holders?

  7. Love that bad girl shot!

  8. I love those bamboo plants!

    Nice shots (even when the kitty is bad). :-)

  9. I love catching kitty tongues sticking out!

  10. I'm late commenting, just catching up, but those are great! Especially the bad, bad kitty =^..^= Too cute!


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