Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday--Lent Begins

My friend and co-worker was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She's in for the fight of her life. Monday she will go to the multidisciplinary clinic for review and they should tell her her treatment options. She'll have a lot of decisions to make. Please keep her in your prayers.

Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. I have given up all sweets. Normally I don't give anything up for Lent but this year I really need to get a grip on my diet and blood sugar control so this is my way of jump starting it! I know I will succeed, I've got that determined feeling. Lent is how I quit smoking 17 years ago so I know that I will be able to go for the next 40 days (gulp!) without eating a single cookie or piece of candy or ice cream (double gulp!).

Rich is sick with a cold right now. He's laying on the couch sleeping and has been all night. It's quiet around here!

Last Saturday I went to the "Bag a Book" sale at our local public library. You get as many books as you can cram into a regular grocery-sized plastic bag for $5. I got a ton of books that will keep me reading for quite a while!

A week from Sunday Daylight Saving Time begins! I am so looking forward to spring this year. This winter has seemed to go on and on and that extra hour of daylight will be very welcome this year!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and co-worker, and will say a prayer for her. I also hope her being away won't be too stressful for you.

    Good deal on the books! I have so many around here, I could open a used bookstore. Even when I have several here on loan from the library, if I see a new on in the store by one of 'my' authors, I have to have it right then. :)

    Hope Rich gets to feeling better soon; it's taking a lot of people a long time to get well lately, so I hope it goes better for him.

    Yes, SPRING soon!!!! :)

  2. I've said a prayer for your friend, it's always such sad news to hear that anyone must go through that.

    I hope Rich is feeling much better soon!


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February Photo a Day #7

On one of our stops, St. Thomas, we were being entertained by all of the iguanas that were scampering over the rocks by the port.  This big ...