Thursday, April 23, 2009


Lately we've noticed that our elderly cat Tori is not able to see very well anymore. Her pupils are always huge, like they are trying to take in as much light as possible. When she walks toward something she veers off at the last second before she bumps into it so we know she's not completely blind. Plus I think she is getting hard of hearing too. She won't acknowledge any sounds and won't respond until we touch her.

We've got her in 1991 when she was just a kitten so she's 18 years old now. It breaks my heart that her time with us is slowly coming to an end. She was and still is the best cat we owned. She still eats good and hasn't lost any weight yet. I just hope she stays healthy and with us for a while longer.


  1. What a sweet looking cat! As long as she is still feeling good, she's still has some time left with you!

  2. Awwwww, she's a beautiful cat, Jeanette. (hugs)

  3. That's a really long life for a cat, isn't it? We have had cats this tortoise color. I hope she lives a lot longer for you too.

  4. WOW--18 years old? That is a long time for a cat to live. She is beautiful--I hope she stays around for another 18 years.

    Judy here missing her 13 year old cat who died 5 years ago!!

  5. I'm so sorry your Tori is having problems. I hope you can keep her happy and comfortable for as long as possible.


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February Photo a Day #10

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