Sunday, May 31, 2009

In Michigan?

OK Last week, told you I was going to show you something that you don't expect to see in Michigan and here it is:

That's right...Palm trees!!

Every year the nursery I pass on my way to and from work puts transplanted palm trees all along the road in front of their store. To me it's like the official start of summer..when the palm trees go up at Grimboli's Nursery!

They're probably not the healthiest-looking palm trees you could ever see, and at the end of summer, right before they get dug up and taken away, they really look like they are missing their Florida home!

But for the short time that we have them here, I love looking at them!


  1. Palm trees???Hahaa...goodNess...does give you the sense of the beach though!! Happy night to you!!hughugs

  2. Well, they sure look a lot better than mine here in FL!! Mine were hit this winter by the freeze; it makes me want to cry. hahahaha

    I wonder why they dig em up every year and what they do with them. Tell them to ship to me!! :)

  3. They look good to me. I've never seen a healthy looking palm tree I guess cause most of the ones I've seen look sort of beat up and dry.


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February Photo A Day #12

 This was taken in St. Thomas A couple asked us to take their picture so of course, we asked them to take ours! See you tomorrow!