Friday, November 6, 2009

Miscellaneous Friday Stuff

I have been sorely neglecting this blog lately in favor of Facebook and Farmville! Damn them!

Halloween was surprisingly busy in our neighborhood this year. I think the crappy economy has a lot to do with it. More people were taking their kids to get free treats, but I think a lot less houses were giving candy out.

Really there is not much going on lately. I had a particularly frustrating day at work yesterday and I am SO glad today is Friday! I swear, I am going to retire the minute I turn 62, even if we have to live in a cardboard box to do it! I am tired of working every day! Still waiting to find out if I ever will be able to work 4 days.

All is well on the home front. I am hosting Thanksgiving this year so my mind is already going overtime with planning. One thing I want to do this weekend is try to find matching paper plates and napkins and tablecloths. When my mom was alive we always had Thanksgiving at their house, with linen tablecloths and her good dishes and silverware. But that was then and this is now! With two plates per person and a dessert plate, that's a lot of work to clean all those dishes and I will have at least 21 people there. So paper it is! I think my mom would understand! Beside, when everything matches it makes for a very pretty table, or three!!

Bought a gigantic clock last Saturday for over the fireplace. It took me a while to get used to it. I wasn't really sure I liked it but it's still there and I think it's growing on me. What do you think?

Our senior cat Tori is still hanging in there. Last week we thought it was time because she was throwing up and she would only lay behind the couch and not come out. It's hard to know if she's in pain or what she's feeling but we figured we would give her 24 hours and see what happened. The next day she was her usual self and she's been OK ever since. I guess she just had a down day. I'm glad she decided to stay with us for a while longer!

Let's see. It's supposed to be really nice this weekend. We got the outside pretty much cleaned up so we don't have to do much there. Maybe I can talk Rich into putting Christmas lights up. I have already seen lights on other houses in the neighborhood.

Well, that's all for now. Here's a picture that Rich took of one of our local chipmunks. Too cute!


  1. I sure hope your sweet old kitty doesn't feel pain. It's so hard to see them hurting.

    I've been missin' y'all!!

  2. Hey Jeanette,
    I couldn't IMAGINE 21 people for Thanksgiving-yikes! As for using paper stuff, good for you. Unless people are lining up to do the dishes(and they're NOT!), it's YOU they're wanting to see, not dishes!
    Glad kitty feels better. It's hard when they get older like that.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I would opt for paper plates too in order to feed that many people! Glad your kitty is still hanging in there. What a pretty face! The clock looks very nice. Perhaps some tall things on the mantel would provide a little more balance. Just a thought!

  4. I'm sure your mom would understand, Jeanette; that's a whole lot of people and dishes! I'm sorry you had such a crappy day at work; remember the old saying that goes something like "it's hard to fly with eagles when you work with turkeys?" :)

    Have a good weekend, I just got a call that all my girls are sick; throwing up, etc so I'm gonna be on my way over there in a few. (((hugs)))

  5. I like the clock. I have so much stuff on my mantel above the fireplace. I can't stand moving things so it has a few Christmas items on it year round. They are special things such as a cute China snowman and woman plate that my mom made. A couple of Precious Moments Christmas boy and girl snowmen. I have my Russian dolls that fit inside each other and a small boat from Ethiopia. I guess it is their display case.

  6. Sorry about kitty!!! So pitiful!! And I like the clock there!hughugs

  7. You're on Facebook? Do you accept friends from the blogosphere?

  8. There are two people on FB with your name - one has a picture, and the other doesn't - the latter says Michigan, but the other doesn't say anything, so one or both could be you...?

  9. Thanks for the well wishes. When I put it in perspective, my little flu is nothing compared to the pain that people live with daily!
    I feel that paper plates are totally acceptable for a large party. I think our Moms were super beings who tirelessly stood at those sinks and washed all of those dishes! I don't know how they hell they did it, but girlfriend, I sure as hell have no intention of missing the party in the livingromm while I'm washing the dishes in the kitchen!
    I hope your kitty has a peaceful day.


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