Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Stuff

I really enjoyed my time to myself while Rich was hunting. I got a lot accomplished, pretty much every thing I was planning to do. Just when I was getting bored and missing Rich too much, he was home!

Our local dove-killer was hanging around this week. Here he is sitting on the back fence. He tried to get a little bird that was flitting around a nearby bush but the bird managed to get away. I was, of course, rooting for the little bird!

This morning it was wicked foggy outside.

I LOVE fog! I was outside walking around in it, taking pictures and being very glad that I was not driving to work this morning! I love to look at it but not to drive in it!

I missed the Brenda Photo Challenge this morning. Truthfully, first I forgot all about it and then I couldn't come up with any good things that represented ageless. That is until I looked at some other peoples posts. Anyway, I will be back and participating in the next one.

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is only 4 days away! We are having approximately 20 people for dinner. I bought matching table cloths, plates and napkins. I am looking forward to having company and mostly having a short week at work!


  1. Now, that is some thick fog. I too am glad you didn't have to drive anywhere. Goodness, I hope tomorrow it won't show up.

    You're going to have a bunch of family for Thanksgiving; that sounds wonderful!! I hope it's a lovely day for all of you.

    We're being "quiet" here; going to my brother's place on the lake just a few of us. From the sounnds of it, I may be the only one cooking. hahaha

    Have another great "short week"!! LOVE your header, so festive!

  2. I always enjoyed the "hunting week" too--used to paint a room while ex was gone. Kids are all busy for Thanksgiving so Fred and I are all alone. Will roast a turkey breast and dressing and yams and rolls and pumpkin pie and call it good. We have so much to be thankful for this year.

  3. Hey Jeanette-we're having some crazy thick fog up here too! I love it-it seems to "deaden" the sounds and makes everything seem so peaceful.
    I'm cooking this year at home-our first since moving to Michigan. I'm looking forward to it.
    Have a wonderful(short)week!

  4. Hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving sweetie!!hughugs


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