Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Spring Easy!

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This time it's all about Spring and the easy things about it!


Opening the windows and letting the wonderful fresh warm breeze flow through the house!

Or getting down and close with the up and coming tulips!

Or just spending some quality time with the sun!!

Well, that's my version of Spring easy! Click the link above and see how other people Spring easy!!


  1. I love how you interpruted this, lovely thoughts Jeanette.

  2. Those are some of the things that I love most about spring. There's nothing quite like opening the windows after a long winter and letting in the fresh air.

  3. Love these Jeanette!! Especially Kitty in the Sun! You know that's a Nice spot to be!!
    Happy weekend!

  4. Great photo's, buddy!

    Can't wait to see the tulips in bloom. My very favorite of all flowers!

    Have a great weekend! ;)

  5. Oh yes, those are all things to celebrate the arrival of spring! Your kitty kat looks quite content, LOL.

  6. One of the reasons I love Spring is cause I can open the windows to let in the sun after a cold and dull Winter just like in your first pic.
    Nice shots!

  7. A perfect version of Spring easy!

    I LOVE, love, love, your windows!

  8. I love your shots, especially of your white cat. I used to have two white cats, bought strays we picked up. One was similar to yours with green eyes - named Zorba and the other white long hair cat with blue eyes named Whitey.

  9. windows are wonderful in the spring as well as the lower electric bills that follow! I'm like your kitty and enjoy quality time in the sun!

  10. Love the photos. So ready for spring here too, but today it is very windy, cold and snowy. The photos give me hope for warmth!

  11. Cool pictures Nets, but now we have to fire up the snow blowers and grab the shovels again.. :-(

  12. Beautiful pictures!

    I've awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award!

    A Simple Happy Life: Kreativ Blogger Award

  13. I also loved your interpretation of Spring Easy, SIL. Very nice!

    Are your tulips really that large already? Dang! Ours are wimpy and look like Gumby's legs! They must need some fertilizer or something.

    Hugs, chickee!


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