Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Saturday

Happy weekend!

There's not a lot going on right now. It's been steamy hot all week! Makes it hard to get too ambitious, even inside the house! Of course, I'll use any excuse to not do housework!!

Most of the grass is pretty dried out right about this time of year but our hibiscus plant is out of control!!

I think it's trying to take over the front of our house!!! Other than that all the plants are struggling to stay alive. We water them but they need the nutrients in rain..or maybe just water that hasn't been treated! It's amazing how well weeds can grow, though, no matter what the weather!

When I was going through old pictures a few weeks ago for Shauna's birthday post, I took a picture of me and my brother taken about 1961, which would make me 4 years old. It was probably one of the few times we got along!!!

Max demonstrating the best way to stay cool when the weather is this hot!!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. You are such a cutie! Love the little haircut :)
    Max is smart! Ours lay right on the air-con vents...grrr. Then I wonder why the room is so warm!
    It is TOO hot to do anything! J is in the barn today. Too much heat for me :(
    have a cool, cool weekend!
    xo, misha

  2. Awww, you're a little cutie in that photo. :)

    The hibiscus is really pretty, and I see (it looks like) lorapetulum (i can't spell it) next to it. I have two of those and they're blooming also. My sis-in-law keeps hers cut back, but I let mine go. In fact I got mine from her house. But, my yard is GONE take completely over by weeds. I hate it!!

    Have a great weekend, buddy! :)

  3. WOW! That Hibiscus is HUGE Girl!!
    Love it....It's SO flippin' hot here too...
    Try to stay cool!


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