Monday, July 11, 2011

To Our Shauna

On this day in 1981 you were born.

You may have been scowling in this picture but it didn't take long for you to start smiling...and you haven't stopped since.

Before we knew it, you were a year old...

Then the cutest little toddler with curls in your hair...

The next thing we knew you started kindergarten.

You were such a goofy, fun little girl!

A then a not-always-so-fun teenager!

And suddenly you were graduating from high school!

Today you turn 30! And you are a sweet, loving happy person who makes us proud to call you our daughter.

I carried you under my heart for 9 months, and in my heart forever!

Happy birthday, link! We love you so much!!


  1. Awwww, such a sweet post and a darling baby to a beautiful adult.

    Happy Birthday, Shauna!! We love you even though we may never meet in person!! ((hugs))

  2. Awww Mom:) So sweet...made me cry... I love you!

  3. Happy Birthday to Shauna!!
    Isn't she a Doll?!!!!
    This was so sweet!!
    Enjoy your day....

  4. Awwww, Net. That was a really beautiful post for a very beautiful woman. Shauna is a sweetheart, and we love her to pieces!

    Happy Birthday again, Shauna!!!

  5. Beautiful woman!!! Happy Birthday Shauna.

  6. Happy, Happy Birthday, Shauna!!!!
    And many more :)
    xo, misha

  7. Love your Blog of Shaunna on her Birthday. I remember those days. It sees like forever ago. Have a great day Jeanette, Love you all.

  8. What a beautiful tribute. I especially did love the teen age years! They really are something aren't they. I just reminded a friend who hadn't experienced them before that the children DO turn out to be good people.


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