Monday, August 29, 2011

Vacation Recap Part 1-Under Bridges

Well, that was a quick week of vacation even if I did extend it by one day, today, due to this nasty cold that I picked up somewhere!

Before I get in our little vacation I want to put a quick thank you to Wenn from Experiences for sending me this tiny little's barely an inch big and so cute! All I had to do was tell her three places she traveled to, which was easy because she travels all over the world! Thanks, Wenn!

Now on to the vacation. We left on Monday morning and drove all the way to the upper peninsula, to the Cut River Bridge. The Cut River is not really that big but it's in the bottom of a gorge that the bridge goes over. It was a little freaky being under the bridge, though!

Then we walked down approximately 20,658 steps to get to where the Cut River flows into Lake Michigan.
See the bridge way up there?

It was worth the hike!

Then we crossed back into the lower peninsula and stayed the night in Mackinaw City. We hung out under the Mackinaw Bridge to try to see the sunset, but it was too cloudy!

This is underneath the Mackinaw Bridge facing north. To the left is Lake Michigan, and to the right is Lake Huron. Can you see the difference?

Ha Ha just kidding, there is no difference, obviously!

Coming up: Part II The Cities.


  1. A couple of years ago, my husband and I were driving back from a trip and we went through the UP. We decided to stay in Mackinaw City for the night and found this motel with a great view of the bridge. We sat on the little balcony for the longest time. It was October and the lights on the bridge were orange. The weather was perfect for fall. Loved it!

  2. Well, sure there's a difference. Lake Michigan is always colder, LOL. Did you go to Fort Michlamackinac?

  3. Jealous, jealous, jealous!!! Just kidding, of course - but I wish I could have taken the trip!

    Glad you had a great time - looking forward to the next installment(s).

  4. Jealous, jealous, jealous! Just kidding - just wish I were there too.

    Looking forward to more installments.

  5. I need to go lie down...I almost answered you....Hahahahaaa....

  6. Oh boy, vacation pics! Wow, that's a lot of steps! I'm so glad you had fun exploring!


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