Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-The Dog Daze Of Summer and 9/11

It's that time again for another Brenda Photo Challenge. The theme  is Dog Daze of Summer. Before I  get to the pictures, please give good thoughts to Brenda from Whats Up Down South and also our gracious Photo Challenge host as she unexpectedly lost her husband this week. You're in our thoughts, Brenda.

Now on to the Dog Daze of Summer

All the baby ducks are grown. 

The clematis blooms are dying out. 

The sun is setting a little sooner every day. 

Plants are dying out. 

And leaves are beginning to turn colors. 

And one more thing before I go....

I was working at a church that day and all I remember is just wanting to get home and hug my husband and kids....

Tomorrow,  this blog will be silent in memory of all those lost on the day, and  in memory of the country that we used to be...


  1. Those little chicklets are all grown up! My, my! Your poor little marigold plant looks plum wore out too, LOL. Love the delicate leaves of the japanese maple tree there. And lovely sunset too!

    I'm getting ready to do my 9-11 post too.

  2. Love the photos Jeanette...
    And God Bless America...

  3. Jeanette, I love the photos. Thanks for sharing.

    God Bless America.

  4. Great job Jeannette! Captured perfectly.

  5. Perfect photos for the challenge! I'm sorry to be so late in getting by to see them.

  6. You done good, girl. :)

    Hope you have a good weekend!

  7. Hi there, I so love your header..and the dog days of summer are here too and Fall! :D


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