Tuesday, April 1, 2014


OK Here we go with the first post of the April A-Z Challenge. There is over 1,600 people signed up for this challenge! I plan on visiting every one of them! Ha ha! Just kidding of course!

A is for Avenger

2008 Dodge Avenger that is ...my car.

I leased it in January 2008 and in 2011 when the lease was up I bought it.

I loved it and couldn't bear the thought of giving it up! It's a great car with all the bells and whistles!

It's getting on in years now with over 60,000 miles on it but I plan on driving in until the tires fall off!

See you tomorrow!


  1. It is a beautiful car, you certainly should be proud and I can understand why you take the opportunity to show it off. Good luck with the challenge!

  2. Stopping by on the first day of the #challenge. Hope you find new blogging friends. This is my 2nd year and I loved all I learned, which helped my blog and writing life. Come and see me if you have time.

  3. Always good to stick with something you love, especially if everything works! I loved my cars, too. Now I use TheBus for all my transportation when I'm home. When I travel, I still rent a car, but it isn't important anymore what kind as long as everything is automatic.
    Gail visiting for AtoZ

  4. Stopping in from A-Z, good luck with your posts. I'll be dropping in from time to time!

  5. Love it...I had my Jeep Liberty for 8 yrs...

  6. Well, before the tires fall off; how about buying new ones. It is BEAUTIFUL! :)

  7. Very nice and clean inside too!!

  8. A To Z is over but I am still visiting....looks to be some good posts here.


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