Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Last one!

Z is for this little guy

He's a Zonkey! A cross between a zebra and a donkey. He was born in Mexico just in time for me to use him as my last entry for the A-Z challenge!

He's rare because normally zebra and donkey chromosomes don't mix.

I think he's adorable! Love the striped stockings!


Well, I did the whole thing! I don't know if I will ever do this challenge again, though. I feel like I've been neglect in my blog reading and really need to do some catching up!

But I have made some great new friends and got a few more followers, which is a good thing!

Thanks for sticking with me!


  1. I have enjoyed your challenge. Maybe my reason is---because you HAD to post everyday and..I like seeing you on here everyday.

  2. Yes, indeed like Judy I sure have enjoyed you being "here". You did a great job on the challenge, buddy!

    Now, don't stay away! :)

  3. Congrats on finishing the challenge. And with such an adorable critter. I hope he will be OK and grow up, big and strong.

  4. I really enjoyed the trip trough the challenge with you!

  5. Ooooh, he's a cute that zonkey is.

    Cheers to you, Jeanette! See ya.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  6. You finished... yeah! I've never heard of a zonkey, but I agree, he is adorable.

  7. Great Blog! I worked so hard finishing the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get a chance to read as many others as I'd of hoped. Glad to be a new follower :) ~Rhondi

  8. Great Blog! I worked so hard finishing the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get a chance to read as many others as I'd of hoped. Glad to be a new follower :) ~Rhondi

  9. Awww! Love the Zonkey!

  10. I just found you!. Making my way through your posts now....Love the Z!!

  11. Hi, Jeanette. I'm back again. This time to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can get the details on this page of my blog. :-)

    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  12. Jeanette, I gave you the wrong link in the previous comment. Sorry! Here's the correct one.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder


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