Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Blog Milestone and A Baby Shower

Well, I certainly have been neglecting this blog this year! I always have good intentions and then when it comes down to actually sitting down and posting, well...I have no excuse really!

Even so I managed to hit 700 posts! I can hardly believe it's that many!

So anyway, the exciting news is we had Shauna and Brad's baby shower last Sunday.

The not so exciting news is we had the first big snow storm of the season on that very day!

( did me wrong that day and if  I didn't love you so much.....)

I was actually very please with how many people still ventured out to celebrate with us! Some came from quite a distance, too!

So let me just share some pictures with you all.

They got a lot of wonderful stuff! Suprisingly a lot of the big ticket stuff but very little clothes and no sleepers at all!

Guess Nonnie better get shopping!

Yep, that's me! I've decided I would like to be Nonnie,  which is what I called my grandmother growing up so it sounds right to me!

Two more months to go!

Until the next time!


  1. Congratulations on 700 posts. I know what you mean about good intentions.
    Figures you had to get your first snow storm on the day of the shower. Glad it didn't hurt the attendance. That's great that they got the big ticket items as gifts. That sure does help when you're starting out

  2. You're going to LOVE being a grandmother! There is NOTHING like it...

  3. Congratulations. Looks like 2017 is going to be a lot of fun for you.

  4. So exciting!!! and so happy they are nearby and not living in some State 800 miles away!!!

  5. Oh goodness how did miss this? Shauna looks wonderful. I know you're all so excited! I hope and pray everything is going to turn out really really well for all of you. XOXO
    For some reason when patti was ltitle she started calling my brother nonnie.
    Sorry to be late here. I'm not doing well with this doggone phone. I have to try and find my blog then look at comments to find yall.


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February Photo a Day #10

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