Saturday, February 29, 2020

February Photo a Day #29

Last one! And a bonus at that!

My mom's vintage jewelry box. 

A lot of her jewelry was distributed among family members after she died but some of it is still in here, along with a few of my pieces.

That's it for the February Photo A Day project! Thanks for coming along! 

Soon I will be back to my regular blogging! 

Until then


  1. A nice way to end the month. Your moms jewelry box is a special treasure

  2. BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love jewelry boxes, which I do not have. smiles

  3. What a beautiful jewelry box and jewelry inside! Great job on your posting a picture a day for the month of February!


  4. I was given my sister's jewellery box when she died. She didn't have a lot of jewellery but I gave some of it to other family members as keepsakes. I have her wedding ring, she'd put that in her will.

  5. I hope you have had fun on this blog post journey. It's been fun reading at least some of them.

  6. I thought I left a comment here earlier today, but looks like I didn't. Congrats on posting a picture a day. I saw many of them and I hope you will continue to post often.

  7. I love this. I have almost the exact same one from my mom; same inside and the same color on the outside, but a little different design on top in the gold. What a sweet memory of your (our) moms.

  8. Isn't there just something special about an old jewelry box like that...especially it belonging to your Mother. My husband and I went to a yard sale recently and for 15.00 bought a jewelry box FULL of old jewelry. There was even a gold watch inside. It belonged to the lady's mother. I just could not believe she didn't want to keep it. Had not thought about doing a post about it until now. That would be good. Thank you.

  9. Awww!! I missed out on all the fun!
    Love the jewelry box!!

  10. I have my mom’s jewelry box, too! It’s blue leather with the leather tooled and painted delicately. I used to wear jewelry a lot more before I retired and there is not much in it anymore, but the boxes are still a treasure to have, aren’t they.


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