Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Days Fly By

Boy, the days sure do fly by! I have been trying to stay active and take at least one 30 min walk a day and strength training every other day. It's so much easier to exercise in the morning versus after work when I am already tired! 

It feels so good to walk and stretch and move my body! 

I got this mug from Shauna for a retirement gift. 

It was so cute. Maxwell brought the gift bag in and immediately opened it up and took out the present before he even gave it to me! He was saying, "There's chocolate in here!" He wanted a piece!

I bought this toy off of our neighborhood marketplace on Facebook for $5.

Before I brought it in the house I scrubbed it down with bleach and water and left it sitting on the deck overnight! Can't be too careful anymore! 

They love it! We have Hot Wheel cars for it and today I bought a bunch of ping pong balls to roll down it too! We are fun grandparents! 

I worked for 4 hours Thursday and Friday at my old job to train the person who is taking my place. My crappy co-worker called in on Thursday so we had to transfer the phones out so I wouldn't have to answer them! I can't make this stuff up!

Anyway, being there just confirmed to me that I did the right thing by retiring when I did. By the time Friday at 12:30 rolled around I was exhausted and could not get out of there fast enough!

We are taking a road trip to New Hampshire next Sunday to see our son Chris. He's lived there for 3 years and we have never been to his house so I am looking forward to it. It's about a 12 hour drive which we will do in two days, driving about 6 hours a day. I'll have lots of pictures to share!

Until the next time!


  1. That is a cool looking toy and what a bargain! Sounds like you are enjoying your retirement days! Safe travels!


  2. Ohhhh please take photos of New Hampshire. We are looking at that area. Have a safe trip my friend.

  3. Your grandbabies are beautiful!! This age is so much fun! The older ours get, the harder it is to be fun! Oh, is this co-worker harassing you, what have I missed? Sounds like a stressful situation. I hope you have a wonderful trip, and find lots of fun sights along the way!

  4. Exercising in the morning would be great because I can relate to not having the energy to do it after work.
    That looks like a fun toy
    Have a good time on your trip

  5. Nothing like a morning walk to get your day started.

  6. The mug and the gifter who was excited about YOUR gift is so sweet.
    I love that nice toy find on the marketplace; good for you. YES, you are fun grandparents!
    Exercising is such a treat, isn't it? It's really so good for us mentally.
    I hope the road trip is a blast for you both.

  7. I walk in the mornings with my dog, but we don't walk for that long. I would really enjoy walking more. Love your Nonnie mug. You will enjoy retirement. Enjoy your trip!

  8. The toy looked fun, I love watching little boys get excited over cars and their accessories.


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