Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Overnight Getaway

We received an offer from the Four Winds Resort and Casino for a free room and decided to take advantage of that offer last week.

The Four Winds is located in New Buffalo and is a few miles off of Lake Michigan. It's right at the south west corner of the state, not too far from the Indiana border.

The hotel is nice and they had just reopened after being closed for 3 months. They were happy to see us and were taking all the precautions necessary. Taking your temperature every time you walk in from outside and having masks available if you weren't wearing one. 

This was on the TV in our room. 

The room was very clean.

After we checked in and put our stuff in our room we went into the casino to have dinner. After dinner we decided to take a relaxing swim at the pool, which was very nice. 

There wasn't a lot of people there and everyone was able to keep their distance. It was pretty hot outside but we were able to stay in that little shady spot you can see in the water. There were employees cleaning off the chairs and tables after people would leave them.

After a nice swim we got dressed and drove to the lake to watch a sunset.

This was the sun when we got there.

It was too bright so we sat in the shadow of this lighthouse for a while. 

When it started to get close to setting it got a little less intense and also started to go behind a cloud. 

Luckily it came out from the bottom of the cloud in time to hit the water horizon. 

It was pretty but I've seen prettier like the one I used for my header. 

After the sunset, we went back to the hotel and went to the casino. We're not huge gamblers but we do like to play video poker. I always bring a certain amount of money and when it's gone, it's gone and that's it. However, I had a lucky night!

These are the biggest of my wins. Yes, I do take pictures and videos too when I can! I left there the next day with 3 times what I went there with!

We had a good time! They have offered us a free night every week through August. It's a little too far to go every week but I'm sure we'll be going back sometime before the end of August. 

Until the next time! 


  1. How's come Michigan's casinos open and not ours? Oh wait, never mind...our governor is a King...well, I see the Oneida Nation Casinos are open, but not the rest.

    Beautiful photos, smiles

  2. Winner winner chicken dinner!
    What a fun little getaway for you guys; didn't it feel awesome to travel like in the olden days? LOL

  3. Looked like fun! Congrats on your winning! Seems like the hotel and casino did great with following social distancing etc. Love the sunset!


  4. Wow, what fun!!And it is totally free, with no catch? That is amazing! Your sunset pictures are gorgeous!! My favorite are #6 and #7.

  5. That sounds like a fun night.

  6. Sounds like a nice time away.
    We are still staying home and rarely venture out.

  7. What a beautiful sunset and how great to get away for a while after all that's going on and the stress of it all in our daily lives.

  8. Did you hear the sun "sizzle" when it hit the water?

  9. It looks like you all had an amazing time. Congrats on the win.

  10. Awwww I'm so glad y'all had a good time. I'm sure that was a soul lifter! :)

    Love your header, buddy. So beautiful


  11. Love the name of your blog. Clever.
    What a nice break from real life. And you won money. It can't get better than that. :) We postponed our vacation until spring. The hotel didn't give us a problem about moving our reservations. Glad you had a good time.


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