Sunday, February 7, 2021

February Photo A Day #7


This is the tassel from my High School graduation in 1975. The school colors were brown and gold. This one hung on the rear view mirror of my car for a few years. It used to be a popular thing to do back then! 

Until tomorrow stay safe and well my friends! 


  1. Oh how fun. I think I still have mine too... somewhere. :-) I graduated in '74 and our colors were blue & gold. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Ah, yes, I did the same (hung it on the mirror). I don't see that much here or happening anymore. I hope you have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. Now folks are hanging their masks!

  4. Wow you still have that. Don't know what ever became of mine. Our colors were blue and gold.

  5. I graduated in 78 and hung mine on the mirror as well. Our colors were blue and gold.

  6. Mine is long gone. I remember years ago cleaning stuff out and finding my graduation cap and it was a mess so I just tossed it.

  7. Wow, that's a walk down memory lane! I graduate in '74 but I had just turned 17 a few months before that so I bet we are the same age. I didn't drive when I was a teenager but I'm sure I displayed my blue-and-white tassel somewhere! xoxo

  8. My sons hung theirs from their mirrors also. I'm not sure where mine ever went to, I graduated in '88, our colors were black and red.

  9. Don't think I have seen School Colors of Brown and Gold. Unique, and therefore, very interesting.

  10. Luckily it still has some color to it after being in your car/sun. Memories!!


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