Friday, May 28, 2021

This, That and the Other

We've had some beautiful warm weather for a week and now it's cooled down again. Last night it got down to 42 and today the high is only going to be 48!  Brrrr! At least the humidity is gone for a minute! 

My little lilac bush that I thought may have been damaged due to a late frost is blooming like crazy and smells heavenly! Apparently it's a different kind of lilac that blooms later than the purple flowered ones. It has lighter, different shaped blooms but still very pretty! 

My azalea is blooming like crazy, too! This is my third attempt at growing an azalea bush, one at each house we lived in.  I guess third times the charm because it's doing really well.

Last week when it was still Spring and not Fall it was warm enough to break out the pool for the boys when they came over. The water was a little too cold to actually go all in but chairs and feet in the water was good enough! 

We don't have any plans for this holiday weekend. Shauna is going to be potty-training Levi so I'm not sure how much we'll see them. 

Maxwell has started playing T-ball. They have a bunch of practices and then one game in the middle of June. He's so shy though and will only participate if his dad is with him! So Brad became an assistant coach! 

If you happen to have a Trader Joe's by you I highly recommend these frozen meatballs. They are the best I have ever had! 

As a side note: It's so nice to be able to go into stores without a mask! 

Well, that's about it for now. I'm getting pretty antsy and am going to be looking for a job once summer vacations are over. Everyone is hiring right now so it shouldn't be too hard. 

Until the next time stay safe and well my friends, 



  1. Sounds like your weekend will be as quiet as mine will be chaotic! We are having multiple parties, haaahaha! Starting tomorrow! Lots to celebrate, and so many heroes to remember. God Bless America! xoxo

  2. Your plants sure are doing well and the boys are so cute. I'll probably be joining you on the job hunt soon, the past year set us back financially. Enjoy the weekend! :)

  3. I hope your sun & warm temperatures return soon so your spirit will soar again, my friend. It's cold, windy & wet here too today. Pooey. We needed the rain desperately but still... rain should only happen in the middle of the night. :)

    Awww... your little guys! Precious, each one!! I love hearing about the children and seeing pictures. A bright spot in today's dark world, eh?

    We don't have a Trader Joe's near us. I think the closest one is Chicago. I wish we'd get one but at the same time it would probably put our little health food store out of business and I don't want that to happen either. They expanded when they moved a few years ago, so they carry quite a few items... lots of local produce, milk, honey & meat. But I've heard wonderful things about Trader Joe's and wish one was close enough to visit every once in awhile.

    What type of job will you be looking for, Jeanette? Something outdoors? I've often thought that I'd enjoy working either at the library or at one of our local garden center stores. But both those things are open on the weekends and I'm just not up to being tied down again like that. I worked a lot of weekends and holidays as a nurse. I think I've had my fill of it all. *haha* But the extra money would sure come in handy as well.

    ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. Here, our grocery stores still require masks. Most others are no longer mandating the wearing. LOVE the photo of Maxwell & the boys in the pool. Beautiful flowering bushes.

  5. We don't have any holiday plans either. Supposed to be real bad weather till Monday. Will you be looking for a full time job? Your flowers are doing so well! I love your tiny corner flower bed.

  6. I have a lilac just like that which we bought last year. It’s still quite small. Azaleas are finicky and I have to keep mine covered in netting because of the deer. For some reason, they bloom but never grow bigger. Have a nice holiday!

  7. {{{grin}}} Thank you ....such a lovely post. It is a crisp 40* here and pouring rain. I am not complaining. smiles

  8. Your plants look happy and healthy. I've tried planting both multiple times and none of them have survived

  9. Glad to hear your lilac bush is doing well. Love the smell.
    No Trader Joe's around here!

  10. You are right about the weather - it's cold! I feel bad for all those people who are camping this weekend.
    We have a dwarf lilac like that and ours is blooming too.

  11. Such pretty plants you have growing!! Brr with your temps! We have nothing but 100+ degrees in our forecast for the rest of summer :)

    Oh potty training. So glad I'm done with that for both grandson and puppies :) Good luck to your daughter! I hope the little one picks up on it quickly!

    I know what you mean about wanting to work and feeling a bit antsy. My next post is about jobs. You are right though, so many people are hiring. Register with a temp agency too. I did with about 3 of them and they keep sending me notices of assignments.

    We aren't doing much this weekend. Just hanging around home and getting some things done. I need a haircut and some new work clothes so that's about the extent of us going out except we'll have dinner with DIL/grand kids tomorrow night :)

    Be safe out there!


  12. Yes, this Memorial Day Weekend is not being nice, weather wise. -smile- But splashing some water, by feet, is always good fun.

    You can go to grocery store, without masks! Not here. Ugh. Signs up still. But I noticed 2 people, without them. So we took ours off. And no one said a word. Unlike the last time I did this and manager came over to me.

    I think anyone in charge, was laying low. -grin- With having to keep enforcing this mask silliness now. lol

    Happy Memorial Day...
    💛"They hover, as a cloud of witnesses, above this nation."💛

  13. Such fun times with the little ones! Hopefully things go well for the potty training episodes this weekend, I remember those well, always a relief to get through that and onto no diapers! The meatballs look really good, a Trader Joe's is about an hour from us, and I don't get over there very often, but good to know! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend :)

  14. It's been quite cool and dry here for May/June. It's usually so humid you can't stand to be outside. The last few evenings have been quite nice and we sat outside on the porch for a while. My azaleas have been blooming lots too!

  15. Your lilacs and azaleas seem very happy even with the wonky weather. Potty training was NOT fun so I wish your Shauna all the best. :) I hope Maxwell enjoys t-ball; this might be the thing to make him feel more sociable. who knows?

    I know everywhere I've been lately, they're hiring. I was tempted to work at Homegoods, then realized I'd spend ALL the money there.

  16. You are having so much fun with your little guys, aren't you? It always makes me smile to read about them and feel the love.s

  17. Love the way the boys have kept their shoes on in the paddling pool! Lol.


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