Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Week

Chris has been here since last Tuesday the 14th. It's always nice to have him in town and I know that boys love seeing him. 

We went to the Renaissance Festival which was a complete bust. It was busy and very unorganized. For example, you stand in a long line to get food only to find out that you have to stand in another long line to get something to drink! 

The highlight for the boys was this lady with a bubble machine. She had quite a costume on. A lot of people were dressed in all sorts of costumes. 

We didn't stay really long though. 

On Wednesday night Rich, Chris and I went to a Tiger baseball game at Comerica Park. It was a little rainy but we were sitting under a awning and it wasn't enough to stop the game. 

I love the view of Downtown Detroit from the ballpark. And I love when the lights are on at a night game. The highlight of course was that the Tigers beat the White Socks 4-3! It was a good game! 

Maxwell started pre-school last week and Levi starts on the 28th, one day after his 3rd birthday. 

He's struggling a little bit because he's so shy but once he gets used to school he's going to love it! 

We are taking Chris to the airport for his 6:30 flight tonight. I'm preparing myself for a few days of sadness like I always feel when he's gone. 

That's it for me right now. 

Until the next time stay safe and well, my friends! 


  1. Thank you for the smiles. I hope you have a beautiful rest of the week. P.S. Sending you hugs.

  2. It’s always sad when your son says goodbye! I know! It sounds like you did some fun stuff while he was in town.

  3. Awwww.... I understand your sadness with Chris leaving, Jeanette. My heart is there with you. Be careful on the way to and from the airport. What darling pictures but man oh man, I'm sorry about the bust (pardon the pun *LOLOLOL*) regarding the Renaissance Fair. I wonder what happened this year? Do you think perhaps they didn't have as many people working on it or that it was hastily thrown together, since they perhaps didn't know if it was going to happen or not because of the virus? What a shame. I hope it's better for next year. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. Sorry about the Fair. Without good planning, any event will be a "bust."

    Glad they had fun with bubbles anyway.

    Ohhh, you go into Detroit, for a game? Isn't that an unsafe city now?

    Glad you had time with Chris, and hope your sad time, won't last long. Hugs...


  5. I haven't been to a Renaissance festival in ages. The one that is the closest to me was always really good. It would be crowded but it was never a problem in lines like you had.
    Back to school already. The summer sure flew by.

  6. I have always enjoyed pre-schoolers. They will have a blast once they get used to it.

  7. Glad you got to go to a game, even in the rain.
    Cute pics of the boys!
    I feel you on Chris leaving. It's always hard.

  8. The school pics are adorable!! And you made the most of the time, with such fun things to do.

  9. I know what it feels like to have a loved one leave and leave a void in the home & heart. But, you had good times even if the festival was a bust. I've been to several and after the first one, the rest of them we attended were so redundant we stopped going. Would have loved seeing a live ball game!! Baseball rocks. (And I too love night lights in the city).

  10. How fun to attend a baseball game at night like that.
    Yay for visits, but I understand the sadness when he's on his way home too.
    The boys are so cute; I hope they have a great school year!

  11. The day my older daughter leaves home and gets her own place is going to be so hard. I know I'll miss her and the house will seem so empty. I understand your feelings about your son leaving.


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