Saturday, February 19, 2022

February Photo A Day #19


This was the most popular ice carving at the Plymouth Ice Festival last week.  It was outside a restaurant called EG Nicks. 

It was a chair carved out of ice! People were standing in line to have their picture taken sitting in it!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Nice, but I don't think I would have sat in it!

  2. Oh how fun!!! This type of talent never fails to amaze me!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Wow!!!

    And there words carved on it too!


    🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

  4. It is so cool! I imagine as soon as the temperatures go up it will sadly melt! I can't imagine sitting on it...brrrr...

  5. Can't sit in that chair for long - too cold. :)

  6. I like it but I'm not sure I would enjoy sitting in it, even for a quick picture :)


  7. I'm not sure if my comment took because I didn't see the usual "your comment is awaiting approval" or whatever it says. In case it didn't, here's what I said:

    I like it but I don't think I would like sitting on it, even for a quick picture :)


  8. That's very cool - literally! I don't think I could sit in it!

  9. I hope the people taking the pics were quick. That could get cold sitting in that chair.

  10. That is amazing. Such talent. I'd love this chair during our hot summers. I wonder how long it would take for it to melt in 115 degrees?

  11. Wow. I'd love to sit there while having one of my 'flashes'!


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