Friday, February 23, 2024

February Photo A Day #23

 This is our cat Coco. 

She stared at a sunspot on the ceiling for a good 15 minutes. I don't know what she thought it was, but she was enthralled!

See you tomorrow! 


  1. That is so cute! She is a beautiful cat!

  2. Cute. Cats are freaky that way. They’ll see things we don’t which is why many were killed back during the witch hunts as being possessed. I don’t see than that way. They’re just beautiful intuitive little creatures- made the way God intended.

  3. She is so beautiful and fluffy. I think she is worshipping the sun!

  4. Maybe just enjoying being in the sunshine. :)

  5. What a pretty cat. She sure has focus to watch that sun spot for so long.

  6. Such a cute cat. Binx does the same thing. They drive him crazy.

  7. Haahaha she was REALLY into that! xoxo


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