Monday, October 28, 2024

Phone Photo Dump

It's time to purge my phone of some photos for you all to enjoy!

The other day while walking past the retention pond in our community all the geese in the water were honking like crazy! When I looked to see what was causing all the commotion, I saw this beauty flying overhead. 

He circled the pond a few times and then flew off. I got a pretty good video and this blurry picture is taken from that. It's a rare sight to see an eagle around here so I was pretty excited!

On the nights that I work when I leave at 8:00 I always turn and scan the field next door with the car headlights. 

There is almost always deer there and I caught these two just chilling and enjoying the evening! 

I know this is a little hard to see but this is a display in front of an old house in DT Plymouth. 

In case you can't tell it's a bunch of Madame Alexander dolls. I thought it was pretty unusual. 

I have about 12 Madam Alexander dolls that my paternal grandmother gave me. I used to get one for Christmas and one for my birthday until I turned 18. Then she stopped giving them to me. They were getting too expensive for her anyway. She made sure I knew that! 

I should do a separate post on her. She was a hoot! 

I don't think they are worth much anymore, anyway. I guess not if they get displayed on a front lawn! 

Rich and I were at BJ's warehouse the other day and their inventory robot was going around. 

It makes a funny little tone that sounds like it's saying, "excuse me". 

My shoulder feels pretty good. So good that I made the mistake of carrying a large purse on it for a day and ended up making it hurt more then it already was! I was scared I did some damage but my physical therapist checked it out and said I just irritated it! Back on the inflammatory medicine I went and it is slowly getting better! 

A local funeral home donated some flowers and plants for our residents to enjoy. We kept the flowers but the executive director did not want all the plants around so she told us anyone who wants one can take it. 

I snagged this peace lily. Looks how giant it is! 

We had my brother and sister-in-law for lunch yesterday. We wanted to say goodbye as they've become snowbirds and are heading to Myrtle Beach SC for the next 6 months. Lucky them! 

That's all for me for now. See you the next time and thanks for stopping by!

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Phone Photo Dump

It's time to purge my phone of some photos for you all to enjoy! The other day while walking past the retention pond in our community al...