Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Repeating Patterns

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge!  This one is Repeating Patterns!

MEOW plates.

Wall decorations.

Roll top desk.

Fireplace bricks!

Click the link above to see more great repeating patterns!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Decided to take the day off today just to get some stuff done. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and dusted part of the living room. Not a real productive day so far and not looking really promising either!

It was quiet at work this week, not to mention that the schools have been closed so traffic has been really light That's always good!

What is up with schools being closed before Easter anyway? Used to be they would have just have Good Friday off and then the following week.

Yesterday they had a sale at the hospital called the Everything $6 Sale. Used to be Everything $5 sale but, you know, inflation! Anyway, I bought all of this stuff off of the $2 rack.

It's all to take apart and make other things with. Now I just need to get my creative juices going and get a little ambition!.

The weather lately had been for shit! (Pardon my French but I've had it with this Spring that is not!) We actually had a few inches of snow earlier this week! I refused to look outside when I was at work and by the time I got off it was gone! I'm jealous of all of you people who actually have warm sunshine and flowers growing! Grrrr!! Should have moved to a warmer climate when we had the chance. Like when the kids were young and we could have taken them with us!

Here's a picture of my daffodils I took just a few minutes ago.

They're trying poor things! And then about three feet away was this guy!

He didn't even move when I took his picture. He's been hanging around our backyard for a few weeks now. We've been giving him carrots and lettuce. He's pretty used to us coming out to look at him and take his picture.

I bought these at the grocery store today

Two more little bottles of wine! I decided I do not like Pinot Grigio so now I need to try Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. Plus the bottles are so darn cute! The whole thing does not even fill a wine glass half full! And they're only $1.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter filled with love, family and lots of food!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Want To Thank The Academy

I've received a lovely award from Laura at
A Simple Happy Life.She's a fellow Michigan blogger and a avid Laura Ingalls Wilder fan! Thanks, Laura!! I'll try to do it justice!

I have to list 10 things about myself so here they are in no particular order:

1. My kids make me proud just by being in existence.
2. A absolutely cannot stand the wind blowing in my face!
3. I love my kitties!
4. I have the best family in the world!
5. My longest friendship has lasted for 46 years!
6. I vowed to not buy a new purse for the whole year of 2011.
7. I am a avid reader and always have a book going.
8. But I will stop reading any book to read a new Stephen King book.
9. I really stink at HTML.
10. No one can make me laugh like my brothers can!

So now I am supposed to award 5 people but you're all so fantastic and creative I couldn't possibly choose so if you are reading this consider yourself awarded!!

We had a pretty good weekend! We went to Rich's sister Jackie's on Saturday for pizza and salad. It was nice to see then and visit. They live about a hour away and so we don't get to see them too often, especially with the price of gas these days!

Today was a cold and blustery day! Hard to be outside for any length of time. That darn wind drives you crazy!!

OK that's it for now. Have a great week!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-Spring Easy!

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This time it's all about Spring and the easy things about it!


Opening the windows and letting the wonderful fresh warm breeze flow through the house!

Or getting down and close with the up and coming tulips!

Or just spending some quality time with the sun!!

Well, that's my version of Spring easy! Click the link above and see how other people Spring easy!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Housework Schmousework!!

I'm still feeling pretty uninspired. The weather I think has got everyone down these days! I sure know it has affected me and I usually don't suffer from SAD, but damn... these cold gloomy days are getting to me!

That being said, it's supposed to be close to 80 degrees today and as I write this the sun is shining! We already have all of the windows open even if it is a little chilly yet! The cats are loving it, though!

I think I mentioned earlier that I actually sold some of the jewelry I made. This is one of the necklaces I sold:

And this is the necklace and earrings I sold.

The top necklace was made from beads that I bought a long time ago. The bottom necklace and bracelet were made from beads off of a bracelet that I bought at a garage sale last year. I love finding garage sale jewelry to make different things from. Beads can be pretty expensive at the craft store!

Went grocery shopping earlier this morning. I'm pretty hard pressed to get groceries for under $90 a week anymore. And it's just two of us! It's not like we eat steak every night either! I think we need to plant a garden (maybe) and raise our own animals for meat (NOT!) It's crazy!

I did get this cute little bottle of wine, though. It's about the size of a single pop bottle. I've never tasted Pinot Grigio so I may not even like it but I could not resist! Too cute!

Yesterday I was a little upset because I thought I left my iPod on the AATA bus at work! I could not find it anywhere and I could not get a hold of anyone in the business office of the AATA to check the lost and found. So started to drive there and then remembered that we had a meeting on Thursday and I locked my purse in my desk drawer and noticed that the iPod fell out into the drawer and I forgot to pick it up! I was relieved but mad at myself for being to scatter brained!! Rich says we don't have Alzheimer's we have slowheimers! We remember it just takes a while!!

Well, that's all I got for now. The house could use some cleaning but I think I'll take a walk instead. It's getting nicer and nicer out!

Have a great week!!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...