Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-ABC's

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge. This one is called ABC's and is all about creating letters out of non-letter things!

Click on the link above and check out more ABC's!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Saturday

Happy weekend!

There's not a lot going on right now. It's been steamy hot all week! Makes it hard to get too ambitious, even inside the house! Of course, I'll use any excuse to not do housework!!

Most of the grass is pretty dried out right about this time of year but our hibiscus plant is out of control!!

I think it's trying to take over the front of our house!!! Other than that all the plants are struggling to stay alive. We water them but they need the nutrients in rain..or maybe just water that hasn't been treated! It's amazing how well weeds can grow, though, no matter what the weather!

When I was going through old pictures a few weeks ago for Shauna's birthday post, I took a picture of me and my brother taken about 1961, which would make me 4 years old. It was probably one of the few times we got along!!!

Max demonstrating the best way to stay cool when the weather is this hot!!

Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Random Stuff

Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Shauna. She had a wonderful birthday! Her sweet boyfriend bought her a Kindle and downloaded a bunch of books for her!

I had a pretty short work week..I was off on Monday and Tuesday, worked Wednesday and Thursday and was off on Friday. I could do that all the time!!

Anyway, we have a baby rabbit running around our yard now along with the older one. Friday I managed to get a picture of both of them together. That's the baby in the back..he's so cute!!

So of course I can't weed the flower bed because then what would they eat?!

It's been pretty hot here the last few the 90's and very humid! It's supposed to stay all week too, with very little chance of rain. Our grass is dried out!

We have a small wooded area by our house and the path through it is one of our favorite places to walk. The path ends on a cul-de-sac in our neighboring subdivision.

Last night after the sun went down and it cooled off a little we went to Heritage Park by our house. That's were the Liberty Fest was that we went to a few weeks ago. We always find TONS of stuff there, lots of quarters. There was even a bunch that we didn't have to dig for, they were just laying right under the grass. My kind of metal detecting!!

Anyway, this turtle was slowly making his way to the I kind of followed him to be sure he got there safe!!

Usually while Rich is scanning the ground with the metal detector, I walk around and pick up garbage and take pictures or whatever.  I found some chalk so I figured we would leave our mark.

Tonight we are going to dinner with Shauna, Brad and his parents. It's the first time we'll meet them so I am looking forward to it!

"It's my opinion that you guys eat out entirely too much!"

Monday, July 11, 2011

To Our Shauna

On this day in 1981 you were born.

You may have been scowling in this picture but it didn't take long for you to start smiling...and you haven't stopped since.

Before we knew it, you were a year old...

Then the cutest little toddler with curls in your hair...

The next thing we knew you started kindergarten.

You were such a goofy, fun little girl!

A then a not-always-so-fun teenager!

And suddenly you were graduating from high school!

Today you turn 30! And you are a sweet, loving happy person who makes us proud to call you our daughter.

I carried you under my heart for 9 months, and in my heart forever!

Happy birthday, link! We love you so much!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July Weekend

It's the last day of our long holiday weekend and the first day that I actually felt good!

Friday I felt kind of dragged out and had a sinus headache and sore throat. I hadn't slept well the night before so I figured I was probably just tired. Went to bed early and took drugs to insure I had a good nights sleep!

Saturday morning I felt good enough to take a nice long walk and have breakfast with Marie, but by late morning I was dragging again. And my sinus headache and sore throat were back.

I ended up staying home while Rich and Shauna went to his little great-nephew Xander's first birthday party.

Here he is with his grandma, Rich's sister Judy.

Such a little cutie! I'm sorry I missed seeing him and his parents. They live in South Carolina and don't get back to Michigan often.

Oh, and the temperature actually reached 100 degrees!

Sunday we went for a BBQ at my nephew Mike and his fiance Sarah's new house. They bought an old farmhouse, built in the 1800's and owned by the same family for 100 years!

It is very pretty inside and has some neat features; a nice mixture of old and new, like this old natural stone fireplace with a heart shaped stone in the middle:

A modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and this beautiful new farmhouse sink

Modern faucet in the bathroom

And an old bell on the back porch roof which I assume was used to call workers in from the fields for meals!

We were ringing it a little, but it's pretty loud and I'm sure the neighbors would not appreciate hearing it too often!

Their property includes some pond front property across the road from them. There's Mike, Rich, Sarah and my nephew Jeff checking out the dock.

Very nice house and we're happy for them!

Today we just went to Island Lake for a little picnic and to stick our feet in the water!

It was pretty crowded and we only stayed a couple hours.

So it was a fairly nice weekend. Tonight we'll probably sit on the front porch and watch all the illegal fireworks that will be shot off in the park of our subdivision!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...