Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cleaning Pictures Off My Phone

Miscellaneous pictures taken here and there.

This sign was on a office door at work:

I promise not to DISTRUB you if you promise not to DISTRUB me!

These are someones panties hanging on the bar in the bathroom!

Shauna's boyfriend, Brad, won a trip to Las Vegas on the radio and they are there this weekend. I went to her apartment to check on the grandkitties

This is Stash.

And this is Wiggy!

They miss their mama!

These are hummingbird feeders we saw at a craft fair a few weeks ago. I thought they were pretty!

Went to a sweet estate sale on Friday. Got some great stuff that I will be showing you soon!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Garage Sale And Cider Mill Weekend

It's Wednesday, Hump Day, and while I am waiting for dinner to cook I figured I would tell you about our weekend.

Friday was a very busy day for me because I was  getting ready for a Saturday garage sale.

I made some signs

Gathered together a bunch of  crap stuff.

My friend Marie and her sister brought some of their  crap stuff over to sell, too so Saturday morning at 9:00 we opened for business!

We didn't have too much business though, and after the full day, we only managed to make a little less than $100 each!

Everything that was left we packed up on Sunday and took to the Salvation Army, and I donated the books and magazines to the library. It was nice to clean out my cupboards and closets! Makes room for me to buy more  crap stuff!!

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful so after breakfast we decided to go to the:

The Franklin Cider Mill in Franklin, MI is the only working cider mill in the area that I know of. They actually make the cider right there, instead of importing it from outside.

There's a huge water wheel working the presses

And presses squeezing out all that delicious apple cider!

First they process the apples

The the press comes down.

Squeezing out all that cider

Actually it's not pasteurized so it's more like apple juice..but so good when combined with a cinnamon sugar donut!

The cider mill sits on a little burbling stream

Such a pretty place to enjoy a beautiful day drinking cider and eating donuts!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge-The Dog Daze Of Summer and 9/11

It's that time again for another Brenda Photo Challenge. The theme  is Dog Daze of Summer. Before I  get to the pictures, please give good thoughts to Brenda from Whats Up Down South and also our gracious Photo Challenge host as she unexpectedly lost her husband this week. You're in our thoughts, Brenda.

Now on to the Dog Daze of Summer

All the baby ducks are grown. 

The clematis blooms are dying out. 

The sun is setting a little sooner every day. 

Plants are dying out. 

And leaves are beginning to turn colors. 

And one more thing before I go....

I was working at a church that day and all I remember is just wanting to get home and hug my husband and kids....

Tomorrow,  this blog will be silent in memory of all those lost on the day, and  in memory of the country that we used to be...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Vacation Recap Part III Caroles Place

The last weekend of our vacation we spent at my cousin Carole and her husband Tearl's place on East Tawas. Her house is right on Lake Huron and it's wonderful!

This is part of her deck right on the water. We spent a lot of time sitting out here!

Friday night we got a visit from an eagle! I do believe this is the first eagle I've ever seen in the wild! I put a circle around it but you may have to click on this picture to see it good.

She has three dogs, one of whom is Maya who only has three legs! She sure doesn't let that keep her down, though!

Besides and eagle, they have lots of hummingbirds coming around, too! They even named them: Hummer, Hummy and Hummus!

This was the sun rise on Saturday morning....Beautiful sight to have with your morning coffee.

Saturday we went into town for a little while and hung out at the public beach. Here's my SIL Debbie...the only one brave enough to go in the cold water!

We took our metal detector (of course) and Carole loved it so her and Rich went all over the place looking for treasures! We have future plans to do some more metal detecting with them!

But mostly we just stayed at the house and gazed at the water!

In the evening they were letting off sky lanterns over the lake. Too cool and look at their palm tree that lights up! You probably can see it from pretty far away!

This is another of their dogs, Susie, posing for her picture!

We had a wonderful time of food, family and fun!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...