Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Post

Seems the only time I bother to post is on Sunday's anymore! This time of year is pretty mundane with working all week and not doing much else. There's really nothing to post about unless we decide to venture out of the house like we did today.

The Detroit Historical Museum was offering 1/2 of admission this weekend so Rich and I figured it would be worth $3 to take a drive to downtown Detroit and check it out. I'm sure that sometime during my school days I went there but it was so long ago that I really don't remember anything.

It was kind of interesting to walk around and look at the different displays about the history of Detroit and Michigan. I won't bore you with pictures of boring stuff but there was a couple of things I though were fun:

Excuse the blurry picture but this just cracked me up. Apparently Michigan had a reputation as a disease-ridden swampland in the early 1800's! You can't really read the caption but it says "Don't go to Michigan that land of ills. The word means ague, fever, and chills" Written in 1820.

I loved seeing this because I had both of those Barbie cases! It really brought back memories of how much fun I had playing with those dolls with my friends!

There were lots of old dolls on display, too. Some of them were interesting.

And some of them were a little scary! I wouldn't have this one in my house!

And they probably could have done a little better representing the Girl Scouts!

The lower level of the museum was modeled after old Detroit with cobblestone streets.

All in all I'm glad we went. Next time we may go here;

The Detroit Institute of Arts. Although we'll have to be really bored and looking for something to do because I have no appreciation for art!

On other supervisor at work is retiring in two weeks after working at U of M for 47 years! I will be sad to see her go but I'm happy for her, too.

I'm retiring about 9 years!

Have a good week. I'll be back next Saturday for the Brenda Photo Challenge!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Not A Lot Going On

Last Thursday was my birthday so I took the day off. I had to go to the Secretary of State office to get plates for both of our cars and my driver's license renewed. Of course, in spite of my best efforts, my new picture is as awful as the last one! Olson Mills they are not!!! Plus they had the audacity to ask me my weight! Can you believe that?

It got cold out the last few days and we even had a inch of snow. Can't complain really, so far this winter has been a piece of cake...knock on wood. We just have to get through the next month and a half and we are on our way to Spring once again!

This is my favorite little night light. The heat from the bulb is supposed to make the little shade go round and round...but since it got cold a few days ago it stopped moving! Sensitive little thing!!

Had the kids over for dinner last Sunday. I made mashed potatoes and usually I use red skin and don't peel them, but for some reason I used regular Idaho potatoes and peeled them. I put the peeling down the garbage disposal and jammed up the pipe downstairs so bad the water from the kitchen sink was filling up the wash tub downstairs!  I thought we were going to have to call a plumber!

Luckily, Rich had the idea to fill the sinks in the kitchen to the brim with hot water, block the wash tub downstairs and let the water drain from the kitchen sinks at the same time. It worked beautifully!! The pressure from the water draining pushed the blockage right out! No more potato peels in the garbage disposal any more.

Actually, I really shouldn't peel the potatoes at all. All the nutrients are in the skin.

Well, that's all the excitement for me these days! Tomorrow starts another week of work and waiting for Friday to get here!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Last Tuesday I called off of work because I did not sleep a wink...literally. I saw every hour from 11:00-5:00 and at 5:00 I called and left a message on my supervisors voice mail telling her that I could not possibly work on no sleep at all! Right after that I finally fell asleep and slept until 10:00. And although I was still tired, I stayed awake to be sure I would sleep that night. Man, I have had sleeping issues for a long time, but it's been especially bad the past few months! I usually fall asleep fine and wake up in the middle of the night not being able to go back to sleep. The problem is I never really know when that's going to happen so I don't want to take a sleeping medication every night. I'm going to have to try some natural sleep aids.

So since I had the day off I figured I would contact AT&T because we have been unable to access the Internet on our PC for the last week or so. All of our Internet connections are wireless and everything else was connecting just fine..our lap top and our phones. So first I tried to place a call to them...which was kind of ridiculous because it was the day after a holiday and the were swamped with calls. I waited for about 15 minutes and then decided to go on their website and do a chat...

So here is my set chat with AT&T on the lap top and trying stuff on the PC. Turns out it was the little gizmo that sits on top of the component and just decided out of the clear sky to stop reading the wireless signal. So they sent us a new one, we hooked it up and all is well with the PC again!

The lap top works just fine for everything we need but when it comes to typing entry's on this blog I much prefer the PC keyboard.

I received a Amazon gift card from Brad for Christmas so I decided to buy the kitties a Christmas gift with it. I've been wanting to get a water fountain for the cats for a while. I heard about this one called Catit so I ordered it for them and it arrived on Thursday.

The water just bubbles up from the center. Of course they were all curious about it and a little scared at first.

Then we moved it to it's permanent spot on the fireplace hearth and eventually they figured out that they can actually drink the water! Now they all drink from it! We have to replenish about a glass full of water every day.

In other news, yesterday my SIL Debbie and I went to the funeral home to visit a fellow blogger Judy from Brighton The Corner Where You Are. Her fiance of 7 years passed away on New Years Day. I've been reading her for a couple years now and she feels like a friend, like all of my blogger buddies do. The funeral home was only about 45 minutes from my house so I was glad to be able to go and visit her and give support. It was nice to meet her. I wish it could have been under happier circumstances, though. Maybe someday we'll get together again in a happier time.

Anyway, having the kids for dinner tonight to celebrate Rich's birthday on the 4th and mine on the 12th. Can't wait for some family time!

Guess I better go clean the bathroom!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

So I'm just a little late on the Happy New Year wishes. We spent a very low key New Years Eve...barely staying awake until 12:00, and then hitting the decks because of all the gun shots going on outside!

Spent New Years Day just hanging out at home, slowly putting away the Christmas stuff. Got all done except for the trees.  I was off today so I took the trees down and cleaned up the house. Looks back to normal once again!

I meant to show you all the beautiful Waterford ornament my son and daughter-in-law gave me for Christmas.

The picture doesn't show the pretty blue color very well but take my word for it, it's gorgeous!

The only New Years resolution I ever made and actually kept was last year when I vowed that I would not buy a new purse for the whole year. And I didn't. But the year's over now and I got a Kohl's gift card from Rich for Christmas so what better way to spend it? Behold!

Once again the picture doesn't show the colors very well but it's a soft lavender and grey. So pretty and the perfect size for what I need!

I have a busy week ahead of me at work.  My coworker needs to take another week off to take care of her mom's estate business so I'm on my own still. Only now it's no longer the holiday and things will be much busier. At least it's a short week again.

Well, I hope that 2012 brings you all peace and love! I am going to try to blog more, comment more on other blogs and try to get more followers! Wish me luck!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...