Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday. This was a busy week at work and I am glad it's the weekend!

It's been pretty hot here the last few days, like most of the country has been. I'm loving it, though. You'll never hear me complain about the heat! At least I don't think so. I should probably check my archives but I'm pretty sure I never did more than just mention how hot it is!

The other day while I was taking a walk I noticed the neighbors evergreen bush.  I love that!

 I wish I had a bush like that because I would definitely trim it just that way!

This is Rich's great nephew and niece, Xander and Amelia. They are his sister Judy's grandchildren and they live in South Carolina...with their parents of course! We sure do have some cute kids in our family!

Not too much going on this weekend. We are having dinner with Marie and her husband Saturday night. We plan on going to a restaurant that has a nice patio. Should be fun! I'm hoping we can visit a State Park this weekend, too. Have a little picnic, stick my feet in the water and maybe even do some metal detecting. We haven't been doing much of that so far this year!

Sunday is July 1 already! This summer is flying by!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Brenda Photo Challenge-Childhood Memories

Time for another Brenda Photo Challenge! This one is all about Childhood Memories!

I had to dig around in a couple of boxes for this one but it was nice going down memory lane!

One of my first childhood memories is of this doll:

Cheerful Tearful! When her arm was up she was smiling and cheerful

And when you put her arm down she made a crying sound, and her face frowns and tears would come out of her eyes!

I remember when I got her for Christmas holding her close and thanking Santa Clause with all my heart. I loved that doll!

Another doll I remember is this bride doll.

My moms aunt made this doll for her to display at her wedding shower. The dress is an exact replica of her wedding dress. She kept it in her cedar chest and I used to beg her to show it to me! I loved looking at it but could never touch it!

This next memory involves this:

This rhinestone necklace was a favorite of all my mom's jewelry. I used to wear it on my head and pretend it was a crown and I was a princess!!  Between wearing that on my head and dressing up in my mom's old satin bridesmaids dress and her high heels, I definitely felt like one!

Thanks for sharing these memories with me and thanks to Brenda hosting this wonderful photo challenge. 

Click on the link above and check out some other childhood memories!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Since The Last Time

Since the last time I was here........

Little Dominic turned 2!

I got some flowers planted.

It pays to procrastinate in buying  flowers. They were pretty cheap.

Marie and I went to buy them up this morning. They had pots of 4 petunias on clearance  for 75¢. I picked up four pots and when I got to the cashier they rang up 2 at 75¢ and 2 at $2.69. When I questioned her about them she told me that the blue pots were 75¢ and the brown pots were $2.69, Same identical flowers same tag!  So I had to put the brown pots back and grab two more blue ones. Honestly! Seems they want to rip you off everywhere you go!

Anyway, I got them planted and hopefully they won't die on me because they were so cheap!!

This whole week the weather has been gorgeous! Warm days and cool nights for good sleeping!
Today it's a little hot..we had to turn the air conditioning on for the first time in a while!

I've been taking shadow pictures!

We bought the cheapest patio chairs we could find and they'll probably last a lot longer than the more expensive ones do!

And we continue to spoil those cats!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Brenda Photo Challenge-Antiques!

Time for another Brenda's Photo Challenge! This one is all about antiques!

These vinegar and oil carafs (at least I think that's what they are) used to belong to my mom's mom. I love the pink and green glass. I would love to use them someday if I could only get them clean enough inside! 

This table belonged to my dad's mom. The top tier used to have leather in the middle but it got old and cracked and I had to remove it. 

This is not a really great picture of this antique fan. It actually still works but we don't use it. It's probably not very safe!  

This is a oil can and a level that my grandfather gave to Rich years ago.The oil can reminds me of the one they used in the Wizard of Oz!

Now off to see all of your antiques! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...