Friday, September 20, 2013

Whole lotta nothing!

I've been off work for the last two days. A nice break and so far I've done a whole lot of nothing!

 Had an appointment for my 6 month diabetic checkup yesterday. My HGA1C is down to 5.4. In case you don't know HGA1C is a measurement of how my  blood sugar has been running for 3 months. To compare: when I was first diagnosed with diabetes my HGA1C was 14. Before I started this wheat free diet it was 6.3. Much better but my goal was to get it down below 6.0. Now it's in the normal range.I still have to take my medication and diet and exercise because there is no cure for diabetes, but having it be in the normal range means it is completely under control like a person without diabetes.

 Plus 25 pounds down! And I can wear all the clothes in my closet..and some of them are getting too big now!

 OK enough bragging for one post!

 We're still checking out wedding venues. I think we found a place that is nice and pretty reasonably priced. I'll post the details if Shauna and Brad decide to book their wedding there. I'm anxious to get going on the rest of the planning!

 Well, I can't have a post without at least one picture so here's Zoe

She's the cat who hates all the other cats! You can tell by her pissed off  look that one of the other cats must have been close by! She spends the majority of her time upstairs in our bedroom. And she's the only cat that we let sleep in our room with us at night. One because she doesn't bother us and two because if we didn't she'd never get any attention from us! Poor baby.

 Until the next time....

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


On  August 18th I had my 10 year anniversary at my job. 

On Saturday I got this package in the mail.

Inside was a nice letter from Mary Sue Coleman, the President of U of M.

And a catalog of gifts to choose from:

I don't know what I want yet. Maybe these earrings.

Or I kind of like this pretty ring.

Or maybe I'll get a piece of art. I rather like the black and white tree on the top in the middle. Plus when you get the art they will make a donation to the Make A Wish Foundation or ASPCA.

No matter what I choose I'm sure it will be nice.

Plus I get 4.5 more hours of paid time off a month now.

I may complain about my job and going there every day, but it is a good one, with good pay and benefits. And it's nice that they let you know that they appreciate you sometimes!

Until the next time...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Yes, It's still Working!

No new wedding plans for Brad and Shauna. They're still gathering information on venues. There is a chance they may postpone the wedding until May of 2015. In the meantime, we're having fun looking at Pinterest and thinking of different things we can do!

Last Sunday we had the kids over for a barbecue. I decided to make this ice cream sandwich cake that I saw on Pinterest. You start with ice cream sandwiches of course

Stack them up on a plate just so

Can I just stop here to say that ice cream sandwiches sure have gotten smaller over the years! 

Anyway, you end up with this.

Then I just covered it with cool whip, drizzled chocolate and caramel and sprinkled a crushed up Mr. Goodbar on it. 

It looks like a mess but it was deadly delicious! 

Before the kids came when I was cleaning the half-bath,  I dropped a glass cat statue into the sink and broke it! 

Yep the sink! Not the cat statue...the cat statue is fine..not a scratch on it! 

We temporarily fixed it with glue and caulk and then Rich spent five hours yesterday replacing the sink and pedestal! Poor guy!

 I felt so guilty! 

Oh and the cat statue is banned from the bathroom! 

Until the next time!

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...