Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekly Catch Up

So Happy Memorial Day to all of you and I hope everyone remembers the real reason for this day to honor all who have fallen in service to this great country!

We have had a great weekend! Not super busy but we got a lot done and spent some quality time with our kids.

Last weekend we transplanted three large hostas from the backyard to a little area around a tree in the front of the house. This picture was taken last week but this week they look the same, which means they did not die! I think they are going to make it!

This is my next door neighbor's tree when it was in full bloom. I don't know what kind of tree it is but it's gorgeous!

This was my clematis this morning! It's doing better than ever before! The best thing we ever did was to just leave it alone!

And speaking of best things...this is the best $8 I have spent in a while. These bra strap pads work wonderfully! No more annoying falling down straps!

And lastly I leave you with a video of a robin taking a bath in our bird bath!  I hope it comes through!

 Until next week!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What's Been Happening

Well, seems like every weekend I intend to do a post and end up not doing one! So I am going to try my very best to post every weekend and catch up on what's happening!

I'll call it my Weekly Catch Up!

Anyway, on Mothers Day we took a little trip to the cemetery. They turned off all of their water spigots so to get water you have to stop at one of their watering stations, fill your little container and then carry it to the particular grave. We just needed to take a short walk to get some water for my mom's flowers and on the way we saw this gravestone

Surprised they allowed it because it's a Catholic cemetery.

Saw this little lady in Meijers parking lot. She nests there every year which is crazy because there is tons of traffic. She was gone the next time I went there so I don't know if she changed her mind or they removed her or maybe the ducklings hatched and she got them safely to a nearby creek!

They hired a new administrative assistant in the faculty office and she decorated her cubicle so pretty! I snuck in there early in the morning before she got there so I could take a picture of it!

I had a garage sale and got rid of a lot of stuff from my Dad's house and some of my stuff, too! I sold a Kenmore sewing machine that belonged to my grandmother on my dad's side of the family, I didn't use it much and it was just taking up space. I was asking $50 and some lady offered $40. I said yes and she was so excited she hugged me!

You can see the sewing machine in this picture. It included the seat which opened up with a bunch of accessories and the original manual. No wonder she hugged me! That's a great deal!

I'm glad it found a good home.

That's all for now.

Until next time...

Phone Photo Dump

 Time for another purge of the photos I collect on my phone!  The boys were playing with kinetic sand and it is a little oily.  Levi left hi...